BREAKING: In Line with Trump, MAGA Republican Missouri Candidate for Secretary of State Disparages Black Community on Juneteenth
June 20, 2024

In response to Missouri secretary of state candidate Valentina Gomez marking Juneteenth by telling Black Americans to “GTFO [get the f*ck out]” of the country, DNC Spokesperson Stephanie Justice released the following statement:
“Donald Trump is solely to blame for normalizing this kind of vitriolic hate in today’s Republican Party, and Valentina Gomez is obviously out to prove that she’s Trump’s favorite MAGA acolyte as she parrots his playbook of attacking our Black communities. After delivering absolutely nothing for Black Americans, Trump continues to allow his MAGA cronies fan the flames of division as he attacks our majority Black cities – ones that he compared to “hell.” Black voters know how disastrous Trump and his MAGA minions have been for Black communities and will reject him and every other MAGA candidate on the ballot in November.”
NEW: Valentina Gomez, a MAGA candidate for secretary of state in Missouri and supporter of Donald Trump, marked Juneteenth by telling Black Americans to “GTFO” of the country.
Newsweek: “Gomez said in the video posted on June 18 that ‘black victimization is about to be shoved down our throats’ and that African Americans should instead be ‘celebrating because they were born in the greatest nation to ever exist.’
“‘Here’s a tip; If you don’t like America, kindly, get the f*** out,’ Gomez said.”
Her comments come after Trump came under fire for slurring Milwaukee, a majority Black city – just one disparaging comment in a pattern of attacks against the Black community.
Associated Press: “Trump refers to Milwaukee as ‘horrible’ just before the city hosts the Republican convention”
6 ABC: President Donald Trump called out the City of Brotherly Love during the first presidential debate of 2020 on Tuesday night, saying “Bad things happen in Philadelphia.”
WXYZ: “In an interview with Sean Hannity, Trump said in cities like Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore and Oakland, ‘It’s like living in hell.’
“‘Everyone gets upset when I say it, they say, ‘Oh is that a racist statement?’ No, it’s not racist. Frankly, Black people come up to me and say ‘thank you, thank you sir for saying it.’ They want help,’ he added.”
Trump and Republicans have scrapped minority outreach plans and shuttered community centers across the country.
NOTUS: “As the Biden campaign ramps up its efforts to shore up the Black vote, former President Donald Trump’s appeals to Black voters are still more about rhetoric than action.
“The Republican Party’s minority outreach offices in battleground states have mainly been closed since Trump’s team took over in the spring, and plans for reopening have yet to be announced…
“Trump and his allies have spoken plenty about Black voters but have yet to make heavy investments.”
Associated Press: “Five months before the first general election votes are cast, the former president’s campaign has little apparent organization to show for its ambitious plans. [Trump’s] campaign removed its point person for coalitions and has not announced a replacement. The Republican Party’s minority outreach offices across the country have been shuttered and replaced by businesses that include a check-cashing store, an ice cream shop and a sex-toy store.
“In Michigan… [the RNC] has yet to set up any community centers for minority outreach.”
“Since taking over the RNC in the spring, however, Trump’s team has dramatically scaled back such [minority outreach] efforts.”
Nevada Independent: “GOP minority outreach centers in Nevada quietly shuttered after 2022 election cycle”
Copper Courier: “Republican outreach offices are still closed”
Atlanta Journal-Constitution: “Shuttered GOP outreach center now home to shop selling sex toys”
San Antonio Current: “Republican National Committee closes minority outreach center in San Antonio”
Connecticut Public Radio: “Will RNC reopen Black, Latino community center in CT? It’s unclear”
REMINDER: Trump’s tax handouts for the ultra-wealthy, attempts to repeal the ACA, and moves to gut affordable housing programs disproportionately left behind and threatened Black communities.
New York Times: “White Americans Gain the Most From Trump’s Tax Cuts, a Report Finds”
“As a result, the average tax cut going to a white American household is more than double one going to a black or Latino one.
“White Americans earn about 77 percent of total income in the United States, but they are getting nearly 80 percent of the benefits of the individual and business tax cuts generated by the new law, the analysis found. African Americans received about 5 percent of the benefits, despite earning 6 percent of the nation’s income.”
KFF: The number of uninsured Black Americans increased by nearly 300,000 during the first two years of Trump’s administration, which marked the first increase in the Black uninsured rate since 2013.
New York Times: “The Tax Break for Children, Except the Ones Who Need It Most”
“While Republicans say the increase shows concern for ordinary families, 35 percent of children fail to receive the full $2,000 because their parents earn too little, researchers at Columbia University found. A quarter get a partial sum and 10 percent get nothing. Among those excluded from the full credit are half of Latinos, 53 percent of [B]lacks and 70 percent of children with single mothers…
“By enriching the credit and including the affluent, the Trump expansion itself has brought attention to the poor children it excludes. While the 2017 law made millions of upper-income families eligible for the $2,000 credit (in part to offset the loss of other tax benefits), it gave a boost of just $75 to most full-time workers at the minimum wage.”
The Hill: “Overall, Trump’s budget would cut $8.6 billion from housing programs, a 15 percent reduction. Deeper cuts, to the tune of 43 percent, would hit public housing funds while also eliminating programs such as the National Housing Trust Fund, Home Investment Partnerships, Community Development Block Grant and Choice Neighborhoods.”
Bloomberg: “The Trump administration will introduce a new rule on Monday that may reshape the way the government enforces fair housing law, making it harder for people to bring forward discrimination complaints under the Fair Housing Act.”