El Proyecto 2025 es “sin lugar a dudas una operación impulsada por Trump”

En respuesta al intento desesperado de Donald Trump de ocultar sus vínculos cercanos con el Proyecto 2025, la portavoz del Comité Nacional Demócrata, Aida Ross, emitió la siguiente declaración:

“Donald Trump y el Proyecto 2025 son una gigantesca operación MAGA, que está siendo coordinada de acuerdo a un plan extremo para destruir las libertades y socavar la democracia, y ellos mismos lo han dejado claro. Muchos de los ex colaboradores más cercanos de Trump en la Casa Blanca están liderando el proyecto y el propio secretario de prensa de su campaña protagonizó uno de sus videos de reclutamiento. Inmediatamente después de una decisión de la Corte Suprema que ayudó a allanar el camino para que Trump gobierne como dictador  el “primer día” y de que su aliado pidiera abiertamente una revolución violenta para destruir la democracia, lo que está en juego no podría ser mayor. Trump no puede ocultar sus vínculos con sus peligrosos y desquiciados leales MAGA en el Proyecto 2025, y es por eso que el pueblo estadounidense los detendrá en las urnas este noviembre”.

Donald Trump y su campaña están trabajando de la mano con el Proyecto 2025, pero no lo tienen que escuchar solo de nosotros. Trump y el Proyecto 2025 ya han dejado claro cómo están vinculados:

Noticias Telemundo: “Los planes ultraconservadores, creados por la Heritage Foundation y ex funcionarios bajo Trump, buscan transformar el Gobierno de Estados Unidos, empezando por el poder ejecutivo mismo, hasta la salud, la educación, la inmigración y el medio ambiente.

“El plan, que incluye un manual de casi 1,000 páginas y que está disponible al público, incluye de todo: desde la eliminación de protecciones civiles críticas, hasta el desmantelamiento de programas sociales. También ataca el pago de horas extras, los préstamos estudiantiles y el acceso al cuidado de salud reproductiva, entre otros”. 

Politico: “On Tuesday, the Trump campaign sent a letter to pro-Trump, external organizations asking them to attend an ‘entirely off-the-record, private,’ and “invite-only” meeting with senior campaign officials, according to a copy of the letter obtained by POLITICO. The sit-down, which the letter describes as a ‘meeting of the political minds,’ is aimed at discussing ‘collaborat[ion]’ and ‘priorities and plans’ for the general election. […]

“By holding the meeting, the Trump operation and the third-party entities could conceivably get on the same page about their plans. Two people familiar with the planning for the event said Heritage Action and Turning Point Action were among the pro-Trump groups invited.”


Associated Press: “Algunas de las personas involucradas en el Proyecto 2025 son antiguos altos funcionarios del gobierno. El director del proyecto es Paul Dans, quien se desempeñó como jefe de personal en la Oficina de Administración de Personal del gobierno federal de Estados Unidos durante el gobierno de Trump. Russ Vought, quien fue director de la Oficina de Administración y Presupuesto de la Casa Blanca bajo Trump, escribió uno de los capítulos. John McEntee, exdirector de la Oficina de Personal Presidencial de la Casa Blanca en la administración Trump, es un asesor principal”.

Axios: “This is undeniably a Trump-driven operation. The biggest tell: Johnny McEntee — one of Trump’s closest White House aides, and his most fervent internal loyalty enforcer — is a senior adviser to Project 2025. One of the most powerful architects is Stephen Miller, a top West Wing adviser for the Trump administration.”

Y otra:

Associated Press: “Las declaraciones de Roberts arrojan luz sobre cómo un grupo que promete tener una influencia significativa en un posible segundo mandato del expresidente Donald Trump considera este momento de la política estadounidense. La Fundación Heritage está encabezando el Proyecto 2025, un ambicioso plan de trabajo para un nuevo gobierno republicano que incluye desmantelar ciertos componentes del gobierno federal y expulsar a miles de funcionarios para dar cabida a los leales a Trump, que llevarán a cabo una agenda de extrema derecha sin quejarse”.

Politico: “Many of the authors of the blueprint are former Trump officials, and the Heritage Foundation has spent the past year-plus recruiting people to implement the plans within the administration, Scott said.

“‘So they don’t just have a long, sprawling policy document,’ he said, ‘they also have a growing list of staff who are being tested to see if they are loyal to Trump and if they are willing to administer this in his potential administration.’

“While groups like Heritage have put forward conservative policy proposals in the past, Scott said Project 2025 is distinct in that it’s so comprehensive and far-reaching.

“‘It has so many groups contributing to it. It’s the whole conservative policy movement gathered together,’ he said.”

Y otra:

BidenHQ: Trump’s Press Secretary is literally starring in recruitment ads for Project 2025

Y otra:

Factchequeado: “La política buscaba reemplazar a miles de funcionarios de carrera por personal designado por el presidente, ‘que podría haber permitido a Trump despedir a decenas de miles de trabajadores federales y reemplazarlos con leales’, según The New York Times. Un funcionario de la administración Trump dijo a Axios que se estimaba que esta política podría afectar a 50,000 empleados federales de carrera”.

ABC News: “Roberts’ remarks shed light on how a group that promises to have significant influence over a possible second term for former President Donald Trump is thinking about this moment in American politics. The Heritage Foundation is spearheading Project 2025, a sweeping road map for a new GOP administration that includes plans for dismantling aspects of the federal government and ousting thousands of civil servants in favor of Trump loyalists who will carry out a hard-right agenda without complaint.”

Y otra:

New York Times: “The two driving forces of this effort to reshape the executive branch are Mr. Trump’s own campaign policy shop and a well-funded network of conservative groups, many of which are populated by former senior Trump administration officials who would most likely play key roles in any second term.

“Mr. Vought and Mr. McEntee are involved in Project 2025, a $22 million presidential transition operation that is preparing policies, personnel lists and transition plans to recommend to any Republican who may win the 2024 election. The transition project, the scale of which is unprecedented in conservative politics, is led by the Heritage Foundation, a think tank that has shaped the personnel and policies of Republican administrations since the Reagan presidency.

“That work at Heritage dovetails with plans on the Trump campaign website to expand presidential power that were drafted primarily by two of Mr. Trump’s advisers, Vincent Haley and Ross Worthington, with input from other advisers, including Stephen Miller, the architect of the former president’s hard-line immigration agenda.”

Y otra:

Vox: “Many of the authors of Mandate are members of the first Trump administration who would likely have roles in a second.

“Roger Severino, the author of the HHS chapter, was the director of the HHS Office for Civil Rights under Trump, a role in which he oversaw the removal of nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ Americans in health care settings. Gene Hamilton, the author of the Justice Department chapter, served in Trump’s DOJ and Department of Homeland Security and worked on the ‘zero tolerance’ immigration policy that separated children from their parents at the border.

“‘These are all people that, in theory, Trump listens to,’ Ziegler told Vox.”

Y otra:

The Week: “Former Trump staffers involved with Project 2025 include former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and Trump’s former senior adviser Stephen Miller, the latter of whom has been described as a white nationalist.

“However, as New York Magazine said, many of Trump’s indicated plans for a second term fall in line with the Project 2025 outline. This includes giving the president unchecked power over federal agencies and the total ability to bypass Congress. He has also pledged to appoint a special prosecutor to go after the Biden family and other political opponents, as well as the installation of loyalists throughout the government.”

Y otra:

New Republic: “Johnny McEntee, who is helping lead the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025—an especially ambitious initiative that has already published a 920-page ‘manual’ for Trump’s second term—had come to be known as ‘deputy president’ by late 2020.”

Y otra vez:

El Diario NY: “El Proyecto 2025, un extenso documento de casi 900 páginas, continúa la tradición de la Heritage Foundation de ofrecer recomendaciones detalladas al candidato del Partido Republicano para la transición presidencial.


El Proyecto 2025 propone la disolución del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional, creado tras los ataques terroristas del 11 de septiembre de 2001, y la creación de un nuevo cargo a nivel del gabinete ministerial que supervise las diversas agencias relacionadas con la inmigración”.

New York Times: “Roberts told me that he views Heritage’s role today as ‘institutionalizing Trumpism.’ This includes leading Project 2025, a transition blueprint that outlines a plan to consolidate power in the executive branch, dismantle federal agencies and recruit and vet government employees to free the next Republican president from a system that Roberts views as stacked against conservative power. The lesson of Trump’s first year in office, Roberts told me, is that ‘the Trump administration … simply got a slow start. And Heritage and our allies in Project 2025 believe that must never be repeated.’”