🚨Donald Trump anuncia a Matt Gaetz, simpatizante ultra-MAGA, como fiscal general después de que Gaetz pidiera desfinanciar las agencias de seguridad federales
November 14, 2024

El director de respuesta rápida del Comité Nacional Demócrata, Alex Floyd, ha emitido la siguiente declaración en respuesta a la designación de Matt Gaetz como fiscal general por parte de Donald Trump:
“A Donald Trump no le importa el Estado de Derecho, sólo le importa la ley de Trump. Por eso está tratando de elevar a un simpatizante fiel no calificado y poco serio como Matt Gaetz para seguir adelante con sus peligrosos planes de venganza y retribución. Las conexiones más cercanas de Gaetz con el Departamento de Justicia son ser objeto de una investigación criminal federal y presionar para desfinanciar la aplicación de la ley federal. Trump eligió a Gaetz por una razón: sabe que un lacayo incapaz como él siempre pondría a Trump por delante de nuestro sistema de justicia y promulgaría la agenda extrema e imprudente de Trump que dejaría a los estadounidenses menos seguros”.
🚨 NUEVO: Donald Trump acaba de elegir al extremista ultra-MAGA Matt Gaetz como su fiscal general porque sabe que Gaetz es un “guerrero” leal a él para ejecutar sus planes peligrosos de venganza y retribución.
Meridith McGraw, Politico: “Trump nombra a Matt Gaetz como su Fiscal General”
CNN en Español: “Matt Gaetz, el elegido de Trump para secretario de Justicia, ha sido crítico y objeto de investigación del Departamento de Justicia”
Axios: “Gaetz will help lead the implementation of Trump’s agenda and steer any efforts to investigate — and prosecute — the president-elect’s enemies.”
CNN: “Gaetz’s antics have won him praise from Trump […]
“‘They are our warriors,’ Trump said of Gaetz and other House members at a September 2020 rally in Jupiter, Florida. […]”
Gaetz quiere desfinanciar la capacidad de las agencias de aplicar la ley federal, llamando a eliminar agencias como el FBI.
NBC: “An unburdened Rep. Gaetz calls for abolishing the FBI, CDC, ATF”
“Minutes later, Gaetz, now serving on the select committee investigating the so-called weaponization of the federal government, suggested eliminating federal investigative agencies.
“‘I don’t care if it takes every second of our time and every ounce of our energy, we either get this government back on our side or we defund, get rid of, abolish the FBI CDC, ATF,’ Gaetz said to applause.”
USA Today: “At CPAC, Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz calls for abolishing FBI, CDC, other federal agencies”
Newsweek: “Matt Gaetz Tweets ‘Defund The FBI’ Then Deletes It Amid FBI Probe”
Washington Examiner: “White House says Republicans want to defund law enforcement”
“Some Republicans, such as Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), have called to abolish the FBI and Justice Department altogether.”
Daily Beast: “Gaetz and MTG Are Suddenly in Support of the ‘Defund’ Movement”
Gaetz se enfrenta actualmente a numerosas investigaciones sobre acusaciones de conducta sexual inapropiada, solicitación a un menor para tener relaciones sexuales y consumo de drogas ilícitas.
El Mundo: “Desde 2021, sin embargo, ha estado bajo investigación del Comité de Ética de la Cámara de Representantes por presunta conducta sexual inapropiada, presunto uso de drogas ilícitas, por compartir presuntamente videos inapropiados en la Cámara de Representantes, usar, presuntamente, inapropiadamente fondos de su campaña y por aceptar, siempre presuntamente, obsequios no permitidos por las reglas de la casa”.
New York Times: “Matt Gaetz Is Said to Face Justice Dept. Inquiry Over Sex With an Underage Girl”
Associated Press: “Ethics probe into Matt Gaetz now reviewing allegations of sexual misconduct and illicit drug use”
Politico: “Gaetz says he will no longer voluntarily cooperate with House Ethics probe”
USA Today: “Ethics Committee expands Matt Gaetz investigation as it looks into sexual misconduct, drug use allegations”
Politico: “House Ethics panel subpoenas DOJ for Gaetz records”
CNN: “House ethics probe of Gaetz seeks information from DOJ and woman who allegedly had sex with congressman as a minor”
ABC News: “Gaetz subpoenaed by woman he allegedly had sex with when she was a minor in defamation suit brought by friend”
ABC News: “Witness tells House Ethics Committee that Matt Gaetz paid her for sex: Sources”
Vanity Fair: “GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz Attended Drug-Heavy Sex Party With 17-Year-Old: Legal Docs”
The Guardian: “Matt Gaetz scandal deepens as associate admits paying 17-year-old for sex”
Gaetz es un negacionista electoral leal que votó en contra de certificar los resultados de las elecciones de 2020 y respaldó una resolución para esconder el protagonismo de Trump el 6 de enero.
Florida Politics: “A dozen Republican members of Florida’s U.S. House Delegation ultimately voted against certifying President-elect Joe Biden’s Electoral College victory. Nevertheless, the attempt to block the win hours after pro-Donald Trump rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol failed.
“[M]ost of Florida’s Republican Representatives voted no on certifying slates of electors for both Arizona and Pennsylvania.
“Voting in favor of objections to both slates were … Matt Gaetz …”
Politico: “U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz will hold a press conference at 11:45 a.m. with 25 colleagues on a resolution ‘reaffirming “President Trump did not engage in insurrection or rebellion against the United States.”’ The resolution has 60 cosponsors.”
Cuando Trump llamó a sus lacayos MAGA para que le dieran apoyo moral durante su juicio, Gaetz dijo que “se mantenía a su lado, esperando”, en referencia a la infame llamada de Trump a los Proud Boys, cuyos líderes más tarde atacaron violentamente el Capitolio el 6 de enero.
The Independent: “Matt Gaetz invokes Trump’s infamous call to Proud Boys at trial: ‘Stand back and stand by’”
CBS News: “‘Stand back and stand by’: Trump declines to condemn white supremacists at debate”
Reuters: “Trump, asked if he would denounce white supremacists and militia groups during Tuesday night’s U.S. presidential debate, told the right-wing group the Proud Boys to ‘stand back and stand by.’”
Associated Press: “Trump to far-right extremists: ‘Stand back and stand by’”
CNN: “Trump’s debate callout bolsters far-right Proud Boys”
New York Times: “Proud Boys celebrate Trump’s ‘stand by’ remark about them at the debate.”
Washington Post: “At least 10 men wearing the uniform of the Proud Boys, a violent extremist group, appeared outside the entrance of a [Trump] rally.”
NJ.com: “Spotted along the boardwalk were a few people wearing T-shirts that read ‘Proud Boys,’ a right-wing group the Anti-Defamation League has labeled as extremist. Among the crowds gathered at the entrance to the beach awaiting Trump’s arrival were three masked Proud Boys members.”
RECORDATORIO: Trump ha amenazado repetidamente con violencia contra sus oponentes políticos, ha prometido perseguir al “enemigo interno” y ha prometido ser un dictador el “primer día” de su nueva administración.
Trump: “Creo que el problema más grande es el enemigo interno… que está acabando con nuestro país por completo… Con respecto a la jornada electoral, creo que el mayor problema son quienes están adentro. Tenemos gente muy mala. Tenemos gente enferma, lunáticos radicales de izquierda. Y creo que ellos son los grandes – y debe ser manejado muy fácilmente por, si es necesario, por [la] Guardia Nacional, o si es realmente necesario, por los militares, porque no se puede permitir que eso suceda”.
Edward-Isaac Dovere, CNN: “Many people have lost American presidential elections over the last 230 years – Trump is the only one to say about violence if he loses ‘it depends.’”
The Atlantic: “Trump Says He’ll Be a Dictator on ‘Day One’”
Associated Press: “Trump declines to rule out abusing power to seek retribution if he returns to the White House”
Washington Post: “Trump calls political enemies ‘vermin,’ echoing dictators Hitler, Mussolini”
The Guardian: “Donald Trump says he will lock up his political enemies if he is president again.”
CNN: “Trump says ‘war hawk’ Liz Cheney should be fired upon in escalation of violent rhetoric against his opponents”
Trump: “Alguien tendría que disparar contra las noticias falsas. Y no me disgustaría”.
Gaetz es un personaje peligroso que hizo politiquería con el techo de la deuda nacional, haciendo acuerdos mientras el destino de nuestra economía colgaba de un hilo, y hundió al partido republicano en la Cámara de Representantes en un caos.
Semafor: “Matt Gaetz embraces role as hostage taker as House leaders brace for debt limit fallout”
Semafor: “Republicans have often bristled at accusations that they are resorting to hostage tactics by refusing to raise the federal debt ceiling without securing spending cuts. But on Tuesday, Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz leaned into the charge as he explained to reporters that he and his fellow hardline conservatives would likely reject any sort of compromise deal that watered down the party-line bill Republicans passed through the house.”
Politico: “The House GOP Is a Failed State”
The Atlantic: “McCarthy’s defeat was the result of a bitter power struggle within the GOP, and especially due to the efforts of Representative Matt Gaetz, a hard-right rebel, who forced the vote. The House is now without a speaker, and more chaos is sure to follow. The GOP still holds the House majority, but it is a deeply riven and dysfunctional party.”
Gaetz es un extremista anti-aborto que apoyó la cruel ley de Florida que prohíbe el aborto antes que muchas mujeres sepan que están embarazadas y se ha burlado de las mujeres por apoyar la libertad reproductiva.
Gaetz: “No voy a votar a favor de la Enmienda 4 [para consagrar el derecho al aborto en la Constitución de Florida] e invito a todos mis colegas del Congreso a que se unan a mí para expresar su oposición”.
Salon: “Matt Gaetz says ‘women who look like a thumb’ shouldn’t complain about abortion rights”
WESH: “Florida congressman Matt Gaetz stands by calling pro-choice protesters ugly, overweight”
Gaetz: “¿Cuántas de las mujeres que se manifiestan contra la anulación de Roe son millennials sobreeducadas y poco queridas que tristemente regresan de las protestas a una cena de microondas solitaria con sus gatos, y sin ‘matches’ de Bumble?”