Donald el Negador: Trump cree que el cambio climático es “uno de los mayores fraudes de todos los tiempos”

El Director de medios hispanos del DNC, Marco Frieri, emitió la siguiente declaración mientras Donald Trump sigue diciendo que el cambio climático es “una de las mayores estafas de todos los tiempos” y impulsa una agenda MAGA extrema que destruiría las protecciones ambientales básicas:

“Donald Trump cree que el cambio climático es ‘una de las mayores estafas de la historia’; eso es muy irónico viniendo de un estafador como Trump. Mientras el presidente Biden lidera una agenda para proteger nuestra seguridad energética y crear nuevos empleos sostenibles, Trump está impulsando una plataforma extrema que niega el cambio climático y destruiría protecciones ambientales básicas y pondría en riesgo a las industrias del futuro. El pueblo estadounidense rechazó la agenda de negación del cambio climático por parte de Trump y lo volverá a hacer en las urnas este noviembre”.

Donald Trump calificó el cambio climático como “una de las mayores estafas de la historia” después de pasar cada año en el cargo destruyendo y socavando las protecciones y regulaciones ambientales.

Trump: “Así que ahora lo llaman cambio climático porque el cambio climático cubre todo. Si hace calor, si hace frío. El cambio climático es una de las mayores estafas de la historia, porque el “calentamiento global” no funcionó”.

CNN en Español: “[Donald Trump] ha dicho desde hace tiempo que cree que el cambio climático es un fraude, un engaño. Más recientemente, dijo que “realmente nadie sabe” si es real. Y esta semana deshizo varias regulaciones sobre cambio climático que ya estaban establecidas en el país”.

New York Times: “Over four years, the Trump administration dismantled major climate policies and rolled back many more rules governing clean air, water, wildlife and toxic chemicals.”

Associated Press: “[Trump] rolled back dozens of environmental rules he considered overly burdensome on businesses. Many of the regulations were designed to protect the environment and public health, but were viewed by the Trump administration as costly and unnecessary.”

Politico: “Trump is once again seeking deep and unrealistic cuts to most federal agency budgets … The EPA’s budget would see a nearly 27 percent chop.”

Slate: “In Trump’s budget, which was also released today, the discretionary budget for the … [EPA] is cut by $2.8 billion.”

Rolling Stone: “[Trump] dismissed the idea that climate change is anything to worry about. ‘The oceans are going to rise 1/100 th of an inch in the next 300 years and it’s going to kill everybody,’ he said sarcastically. ‘It’s going create more oceanfront property, that’s what it’s going to do.’”

Forbes: “Donald Trump told host Stuart Varney that climate change is ‘a hoax.’ The former president said ‘in my opinion, you have a thing called weather, and you go up, and you go down,’ he said. ‘If you look into the 1920s, they were talking about a global freezing, okay? In other words, the globe was going to freeze.’”

Washington Post: “Trump reiterated some of his frequently repeated falsehoods and petty grievances. ‘The global warming hoax, it just never ends,’ he said. He mocked the concept of sea levels rising, disputing widely held science. ‘To which I say, great, we have more waterfront property,’ he said. ‘There was a big thing about global cooling — what will be next?’ he said. Trump said he was more concerned about ‘nuclear warming’ than global warming.”

Trump contradijo repetidamente las conclusiones de su propia administración sobre la amenaza del cambio climático e incluso despidió al científico responsable de evaluar el cambio climático.

CNN en Español: “A finales del año pasado, Donald Trump, quien anteriormente había calificado el cambio climático como un “engaño”, rechazó el informe de su propio gobierno de que el cambio climático podría ser devastador para la economía”.

El País: “‘No me lo creo’. Con estas cuatro palabras, el presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, tumba 1.656 páginas de un informe que detalla los devastadores efectos del cambio climático en la economía, la salud y el medio ambiente. Poco o nada le importa al mandatario que el estudio esté respaldado por 300 científicos de 13 agencias federales diferentes y se haga por ley. La Casa Blanca no cree en la Casa Blanca”.

Axios: “Trump says he doesn’t believe his administration’s climate report”

New York Times: “Trump Administration’s Strategy On Climate: Try To Bury Its Own Scientific Report”

New York Times: “Trump Administration Removes Scientist in Charge of Assessing Climate Change”

“The White House has removed the scientist responsible for the National Climate Assessment, the federal government’s premier contribution to climate knowledge and the foundation for regulations to combat global warming, in what critics interpreted as the latest sign that the Trump administration intends to use its remaining months in office to continue impeding climate science and policy.”

Associated Press: “Government climate report contradicts Trump, warns of worsening US disasters”

El  presidente Biden encabezó la Ley para la Reducción de la Inflación, en cambio Trump está presionando para derogar la legislación emblemática que aborda la crisis climática.

El Economista: “Trump está decidido a reducirla y “maximizar la producción de combustibles fósiles”, declararon asesores del republicano al Financial Times en noviembre”.

Financial Times: “Donald Trump would gut Joe Biden’s landmark IRA climate law if elected”

“Donald Trump is planning to gut US President Joe Biden’s landmark climate law, increase investment in fossil fuels and roll back regulations aimed at accelerating the transition to electric vehicles if he is elected next year. … The Inflation Reduction Act — the centrepiece of Biden’s economic strategy, with $369bn in tax breaks and subsidies for clean energy — would be in Trump’s crosshairs.”

CNBC: “The [Inflation Reduction Act], which President Joe Biden signed into law in August, is the most aggressive climate investment ever taken by Congress and is expected to slash the country’s planet-warming carbon emissions by about 40% this decade and move the country toward a net-zero economy by 2050.”

Bloomberg: “Between last August, when President Joe Biden’s  landmark climate bill became law, and the end of January, companies have announced more than 100,000 clean energy jobs in the US, according to an analysis released Monday by the nonprofit advocacy group Climate Power.”

Trump también promete sacar una vez más a Estados Unidos del Acuerdo Climático de París, al que el presidente Biden se reincorporó después de que Trump deteriorara la confianza internacional en Estados Unidos y abdicara del papel de Estados Unidos como líder mundial en la lucha contra el cambio climático.

Trump: “Volveremos a salir de París. … Entonces, preparen esas propuestas ahora, porque vamos a poner a miles de estadounidenses a trabajar en la construcción de plantas de energía, oleoductos, redes energéticas, puertos, refinerías y terminales marítimas del mañana”.

Al Día Dallas: “Y nuevamente, dice, saldrá del Acuerdo de París sobre el cambio climático, pondrá fin a los subsidios a la energía eólica y eliminará las regulaciones impuestas y propuestas por el gobierno de Biden dirigidas a las bombillas incandescentes, las estufas de gas, los lavavajillas y las duchas”.

NPR: “In one of his first acts in the Oval Office, President Joe Biden signed an executive order to have the United States rejoin the Paris climate agreement, the largest international effort to curb global warming. … Biden’s move to rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement signals to the world that the U.S. is serious about addressing climate change again, and that it will have a seat at the table when world leaders meet in Glasgow to make new climate pledges later this year.”

Politico: “The U.S. under former President Donald Trump backslid in terms of international climate leadership, essentially standing still on carbon emissions when the world drastically needed to ramp up its climate-fighting efforts.”

Reuters: “With Trump’s action, the United States will walk away from nearly every other nation in the world on one of the pressing global issues of the 21st century.”

Vox: “Trump pulling out of the Paris climate agreement is great news … for China”

Forbes: “U.S. Withdraws From Paris Accord, Ceding Leadership To China.”

Trump está difundiendo el negacionismo del cambio climático para ayudar a sus amigos ricos del petróleo y el gas.

La República: “El petróleo y el gas son ahora una de las principales industrias que financian la campaña de Trump en 2024 y una fuente fundamental de efectivo para su intento de regresar a la Casa Blanca, ya que otros donantes importantes (particularmente en finanzas, capital privado y capital de riesgo) han optado por respaldar su última campaña restante”. 

Washington Post: “Trump rails against wind energy in fundraising pitch to oil executives”

“Former president Donald Trump repeatedly ranted about wind power during a fundraising dinner with oil and gas industry executives last week, claiming that the renewable-energy source is unreliable, unattractive and bad for the environment.

“‘I hate wind,’ Trump told the executives over a meal of chopped steak at his Mar-a-Lago Club and resort in Florida.

“Trump’s comments reveal how he is wooing potential donors with his long-standing hostility to wind farms and pledges to halt this form of renewable energy if he returns to office. His stance poses a potential threat to one of the linchpins of America’s clean-energy transition, according to more than a dozen Trump allies, energy experts and offshore wind industry officials.”

Bloomberg: “Donald Trump is the oil and gas industry’s undisputed top pick for the Republican presidential nomination as energy sector donors shower his candidacy with nearly 10 times the amount of money as they gave his challenger Nikki Haley.”