Los simpatizantes super ricos de J.D. Vance en Silicon Valley celebran haber puesto a su cómplice en la boleta de Trump
July 16, 2024

El Director de Respuesta Rápida del DNC, Alex Floyd, emitió la siguiente declaración a medida que J.D. Vance continúa siendo cómplice de sus patrocinadores super ricos de Silicon Valley e impulsa la fallida agenda MAGAnomics de Donald Trump, la cual perjudica a las familias trabajadoras:
“Los ejecutivos y megacorporaciones super ricas ricas de Silicon Valley aman a J.D. Vance porque, al igual que Donald Trump, él está del lado de los simpatizantes de intereses especiales que lo financian, no de los trabajadores estadounidenses. Vance ha pasado años fraternizando con las élites de Silicon Valley, por lo que no nos sorprende que lo hayan estado defendiendo para que se convierta en un cómplice de la agenda del Proyecto 2025 de Trump y manipule la economía a favor de los más ricos. El pueblo estadounidense no quiere tener nada que ver con la política desconectada de la fórmula Trump-Vance y los rechazará rotundamente a ambos en noviembre”.
J.D. Vance es un cómplice de sus simpatizantes superricos y de los intereses especiales, y ellos le han devuelto el favor presionando para poner a su lacayo en la fórmula de Trump.
Urgente 24: “[Vance] Su campaña recibió un enorme apoyo financiero: el multimillonario Peter Thiel inyectó US$ 15 millones, y un comité de acción política (PAC o sea un fideicomiso) controlado por Mitch McConnell otros US$ 28 millones. Dato importante: Nacido en Alemania, Peter Andreas Thiel, cofundó PayPal con Elon Musk, y fue su director ejecutivo”.
CNN: “A day before Donald Trump’s deadline to pick a running mate, after months of private conversations with every corner of his orbit, the former president took a call from a new voice.
“That person, Tesla billionaire Elon Musk, was one of several people urging Trump in the final moments to select Ohio Sen. JD Vance.
“On Monday, Trump finally announced his choice: Vance would be his running mate.”
New York Times: “That day in early 2021, Mr. Vance was ushered into Mr. Trump’s office at Mar-a-Lago by one of the most secretive donors in G.O.P. politics: Peter Thiel, the billionaire founder of PayPal who broke with Silicon Valley to support Mr. Trump for president in 2016. Mr. Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., was at the meeting, too.
“Allies of Mr. Vance, including Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson, ran a counter campaign to reassure Mr. Trump about the selection, with supportive calls to the former president continuing until the moment Mr. Trump finally told Mr. Vance of his decision, on Monday afternoon, less than half an hour before he announced his choice on social media…
“Mr. Vance helped pave the way for Mr. Trump with some Silicon Valley donors. He spent months working on David Sacks, an entrepreneur whom Mr. Vance has called ‘one of his closest confidants in politics,’ to support Mr. Trump. That effort resulted in a $12 million event for the Trump campaign. Mr. Sacks said at the event that it ‘would never have happened’ without Mr. Vance’s support, according to a person familiar with his remarks.
“Mr. Musk, one of the world’s richest men and the owner of the website X, has emerged as a quiet ally of Mr. Vance’s, according to two people briefed on the relationship. Mr. Musk has viewed Mr. Biden’s re-election as an existential crisis for the nation and told Mr. Trump directly that he should choose Mr. Vance as his running mate, describing the Trump-Vance pairing as ‘beautiful,’ according to one of the people with knowledge of their relationship. Mr. Musk did not respond to requests for comment.”
Cincinnati Enquirer: “Super PAC supporting potential Senate candidate J.D. Vance gets $10 million donation from PayPal cofounder”
“Thiel, a German-American billionaire and early investor in Facebook, gave $10 million to Protect Ohio Values, a super PAC formed last month to support Vance’s possible bid, said Bryan Lanza, a communications adviser to the super PAC.
“The Mercer family also made a ‘significant contribution,’ Lanza said. Hedge fund billionaire Robert Mercer and his family were key supporters of former President Donald Trump’s presidential bid. Mercer was an important investor in Breitbart News and a force in the campaign for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union.”
Cleveland.com: “Vance, meanwhile, has struggled to keep up financially, not launching general election campaign ads until last month. But backing from a single donor famously helped him win the Republican primary in May…
“They also include some well-known national Republican mega-donors, such as Steve Wynn, the casino magnate whom Republicans previously cut off donations over sexual misconduct allegations; and Rebekah Mercer, whose family helped fund Breitbart, the right-wing political news website.
“Vance took in more than $310,000 in money from PACS, of which $248,000 came from single-issue groups. That includes $5,000 from the anti-abortion CatholicVote.org PAC, $5,000 from the conservative Koch Industries, and fossil fuel interests like Marathon Petroleum Corp. and Phillips 66 PAC, which each gave $5,000.
“Concerns over Vance’s lack of funding led the Senate Leadership Fund, the McConnell-aligned Super PAC, to reserve $28 million in TV ads that began airing after Labor Day. The SLF raises vast amounts of money from across the country, including $31.5 million from One Nation, an affiliated dark-money group that doesn’t have to disclose its donors, $10 million from Kenneth Griffin, a Chicago-based hedge-fund manager.”
No nos sorprende que Vance respalde la agenda del Proyecto 2025 de Donald Trump, que incluye dar regalos fiscales a los más ricos (de nuevo) a expensas de los trabajadores estadounidenses y corre el riesgo de una inflación sobrealimentada.
Vance: “He revisado gran parte del [Proyecto 2025]. Hay algunas buenas ideas allí”.
Trump: “Todos ustedes son personas que tienen mucho dinero… Son increíblemente ricos. … Les daremos recortes de impuestos”.
Univision: “El expresidente ha prometido extender los recortes de impuestos que promulgó en 2017”
La Opinión: “El expresidente Donald Trump ofreció a multimillonarios recortarles los impuestos, si logra ganar la el 5 de noviembre la elección presidencial.
“Según un reporte de NBC News, el republicano habló ante donantes multimillonarios, donde recaudó más de $50 millones de dólares, sobre un cambio en la política fiscal”.
Vanity Fair: “Donald Trump Wants to Give His Favorite Corporations Another Giant Tax Cut in a Second Term: Report”
CBS News: “Two years after Trump tax cuts, middle-class Americans are falling behind”
The Guardian: “Donald Trump’s $1.5tn tax cuts have helped billionaires pay a lower rate than the working class for the first time in history.”
Axios: “Sixteen Nobel prize-winning economists are jumping into the presidential campaign with a stark warning: Former President Trump’s plans would reignite inflation and cause lasting harm to the global economy if he wins in November.”
Project 2025: “La tasa del impuesto sobre la renta empresarial debería reducirse al 18 por ciento”.
The Atlantic: “Trump’s Plan to Supercharge Inflation”