NUEVO: El arquitecto principal del Proyecto 2025, Russell Vought, está redactando OTRO manual de estrategia extremo para Trump
August 5, 2024

El director de Respuesta Rápida del DNC, Alex Floyd, publicó la siguiente declaración en respuesta a que el arquitecto del proyecto 2025, Russell Vought, se encuentra redactando un nuevo manual secreto MAGA para Donald Trump:
“Si no había quedado lo suficientemente claro que el Proyecto 2025 es ‘innegablemente una operación impulsada por Trump’ que llegó para quedarse, el arquitecto principal Russell Vought ya está redactando otro manual de estrategia MAGA extremo para la candidatura Trump-Vance. Los vínculos de Vought con Trump son estrechos: el ex alto funcionario de Trump ahora está en la carrera para ser el jefe de gabinete de Trump y ayudar a promulgar la peligrosa e impopular agenda del Proyecto 2025 para prohibir el aborto en todo el país, socavar nuestra democracia y dar regalos fiscales a los multimillonarios. Mientras Trump y Vance intentan ocultar que están marchando al unísono con el Proyecto 2025, los estadounidenses no se creen sus mentiras y saben que elegir a la vicepresidenta Harris es la única manera de evitar que estos horribles planes se hagan realidad”.
NUEVO: El arquitecto principal del Proyecto 2025, Russ Vought, está redactando un manual secreto para Donald Trump y es uno de los principales candidatos para ser jefe de gabinete de Trump si recupera el poder.
CNN En Español: “Uno de los arquitectos de ese plan para un segundo mandato de Trump lo explicó en un vídeo el año pasado para la Heritage Foundation. ‘Va a ser innovador’, dijo Russell Vought, quien se desempeñó como director de la Oficina de Administración y Presupuesto durante el gobierno de Trump. Rechazó las solicitudes de entrevista de CNN, pero en el video, habló extensamente sobre el plan para aplastar lo que llamó ‘la burocracia despierta y armada’. Vought habló sobre el desmantelamiento o la reestructuración del Departamento de Justicia, el FBI y la Agencia de Protección Ambiental, entre otros.
Vought se centró en un plan que redactó para volver a emitir la orden ejecutiva de Trump de 2020, conocida como Anexo F, que reclasificaría como funcionario político a cualquier trabajador federal que se considere que tiene influencia en la política. La reedición del Anexo F es parte de una hoja de ruta, conocida como Proyecto 2025, redactada para un segundo mandato de Trump por decenas de grupos conservadores y publicada por la Heritage Foundation.
Vought sostiene que el cambio en la función pública es necesario porque el gobierno federal ‘toma cada decisión sobre la base del extremismo del cambio climático y sobre la base de una militancia despierta, donde efectivamente se intenta dividir el país entre opresores y oprimidos’”.
Associated Press: “Russell Vought, a Project 2025 architect, is ready to shock Washington if Trump wins second term”
“A chief architect of Project 2025 — the controversial conservative blueprint to remake the federal government — Vought is likely to be appointed to a high-ranking post in a second Trump administration. And he’s been drafting a so-far secret “180-Day Transition Playbook” to speed the plan’s implementation to avoid a repeat of the chaotic start that dogged Trump’s first term.
“Vought has advised influential conservative lawmakers on Capitol Hill, held a top post in the Trump White House and later established his own pro-Trump think tank. Now, he’s being mentioned as a candidate to be Trump’s White House chief of staff, one of the most powerful positions in government.
“Trump’s attempts to reject the [Project 2025] blueprint are complicated by the connections he has with many of its contributors. More than two dozen authors served in his administration, including Vought, who was director of the White House’s Office of Management and Budget.
“Vought’s [think tank, the Center for Renewing America] was part of a coalition of conservative organizations, organized by the Heritage Foundation, that launched Project 2025 and crafted a detailed plan for governing in the next Republican administration.”
Vought representa lo peor del trumpismo y del Partido Republicano: quiere cortar todo acceso al aborto y vigilar a las mujeres a nivel estatal.
VerifyThis: “Los autores del proyecto recomiendan establecer políticas federales que podrían limitar el acceso a los anticonceptivos, restringir el acceso al aborto y eliminar el financiamiento federal a profesionales de salud que realizan abortos”.
New York Times: “Russell T. Vought, a former senior Trump administration official who ran the Office of Management and Budget, is celebrated by the anti-abortion movement for successfully blocking funds for Planned Parenthood during the Trump administration. He now runs a think tank with close ties to the former president that has backed arguments in a Supreme Court case attempting to undo the 2000 approval of mifepristone, a widely used abortion medication.”
Politico: “[Project 2025] also proposes increasing surveillance of abortion and maternal mortality reporting in the states, compelling the Food and Drug Administration to revoke approval of ‘chemical abortion drugs’ and protecting ‘religious and moral’ objections for employers who decline contraception coverage for employees.”
CBS News: “In recommendations for the Department of Health and Human Services, [Project 2025] calls for the Food and Drug Administration to reverse its 24-year-old approval of the widely used abortion pill mifepristone.”
Washington Post: “The [Project 2025] document, compiled with multiple people and groups who worked in and with the Trump administration, calls for erasing terms including ‘abortion,’ ‘reproductive health,’ ‘gender’ and ‘gender equality’ from ‘every federal rule, agency regulation, contract, grant, regulation, and piece of legislation that exists.’”
Vought quiere acabar con el Seguro Social, Medicare, Medicaid y la Ley de Cuidado de Salud a Bajo Precio, dejando a los programas incapaces de atender adecuadamente a los más necesitados.
Washington Post: “[Vought’s] plan includes $2 trillion in cuts to Medicaid, the health program for the poor; more than $600 billion in cuts to the Affordable Care Act; more than $400 billion in cuts to food stamps; hundreds of billions of dollars in cuts to educational subsidies; and a halving of the State Department and the Labor Department, among other federal agencies.”
Washington Examiner: “[Vought] also said that the goal of balancing the budget would not come just from what budget experts call ‘discretionary spending,’ meaning the funding for agencies appropriated by Congress each year, but instead from a ‘substantial amount’ of reforms to ‘mandatory spending,’ or spending that is disbursed automatically, such as through Social Security programs and Medicare.”
Newsweek: “After replacing the civil service, [Project 2025] then proposes the implementation of other conservative policies, such as eliminating the Department of Education, reducing the scope of Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, and rolling back renewable-energy programs to create a regulatory environment that favors the fossil fuel industry.”
Vought y sus compañeros extremistas religiosos quieren fusionar la Iglesia y el Estado, prohibir el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo y restringir el acceso a los anticonceptivos.
Politico: “Trump allies prepare to infuse ‘Christian nationalism’ in second administration”
“Spearheading the effort is Russell Vought, who served as Trump’s director of the Office of Management and Budget during his first term and has remained close to him. Vought, who is frequently cited as a potential chief of staff in a second Trump White House, is president of The Center for Renewing America think tank, a leading group in a conservative consortium preparing for a second Trump term.”
“Vought has a close affiliation with Christian nationalist William Wolfe, a former Trump administration official who has advocated for overturning same-sex marriage, ending abortion and reducing access to contraceptives.”
“‘Russell Vought did a fabulous job in my administration, and I have no doubt he will do a great job in continuing our quest to make America great again,’ reads a Trump quote prominently placed on CRA’s website.”
“Vought’s beliefs over time have been informed by his relationship with Wolfe. The two spent time together at Heritage Action, a conservative policy advocacy group. And Vought has praised their yearslong partnership. ‘I’m proud to work with @William_E_Wolfe on scoping out a sound Christian Nationalism,’ he posted on X, then Twitter, in January 2023.”
Washington Post: “Project 2025 suggests closing the Gender Policy Council that Biden established in 2021 to advance gender equity and equality in areas including health, gender-based violence and education. The mandate also calls for Trump to reinstate the ban he established on transgender people in the military, which was overturned by Biden. And it calls for the next administration to ‘rescind regulations prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender status, and sex characteristics.’”
CBS News: “In a section titled ‘The Family Agenda,’ [Project 2025] recommends the Health and Human Services chief ‘proudly state that men and women are biological realities,’ and that ‘married men and women are the ideal, natural family structure because all children have a right to be raised by the men and women who conceived them.’”
Newsweek: “There are other signs that access to contraception may be restricted under a new Trump administration. Project 2025, a plan prepared by right-leaning groups that aims to ‘pave the way for an effective conservative administration,’ includes plans to ‘Restore Trump religious and moral exemptions to the contraceptive mandate’ and ‘eliminate’ access to the week-after-pill, Ella, from it.”
HECHO: El Proyecto 2025 es “innegablemente una operación impulsada por Trump”.
New York Times: “El expresidente se ha mostrado históricamente desvinculado, incluso hostil, hacia cualquier tipo de planificación de la transición para un posible segundo mandato.
“Pero no ha ocultado sus planes de recortar las protecciones de la función pública, realizar el mayor esfuerzo de deportación masiva de la historia, imponer aranceles radicales y atacar a sus enemigos utilizando los poderes presidenciales. Sus aliados han desarrollado una justificación jurídica para eliminar la independencia del Departamento de Justicia con respecto al presidente, y varios de sus asesores más cercanos están investigando a abogados considerados más propensos a adoptar teorías jurídicas agresivas sobre el alcance de su poder.
“Algo de esto, aunque no todo, se puede encontrar en la propia plataforma política de la campaña de Trump llamada Agenda47. Es más escueta que el Proyecto 2025”.
Axios: “This is undeniably a Trump-driven operation. The biggest tell: Johnny McEntee — one of Trump’s closest White House aides, and his most fervent internal loyalty enforcer — is a senior adviser to Project 2025. One of the most powerful architects is Stephen Miller, a top West Wing adviser for the Trump administration.”
Politico: “Many of the authors of the blueprint are former Trump officials, and the Heritage Foundation has spent the past year-plus recruiting people to implement the plans within the administration, Scott said.
“‘So they don’t just have a long, sprawling policy document,’ he said, ‘they also have a growing list of staff who are being tested to see if they are loyal to Trump and if they are willing to administer this in his potential administration.’
“While groups like Heritage have put forward conservative policy proposals in the past, Scott said Project 2025 is distinct in that it’s so comprehensive and far-reaching.
“‘It has so many groups contributing to it. It’s the whole conservative policy movement gathered together,’ he said.”
The Week: “Many of Trump’s indicated plans for a second term fall in line with the Project 2025 outline.”
New York Times: “Roberts told me that he views Heritage’s role today as ‘institutionalizing Trumpism.’ This includes leading Project 2025, a transition blueprint that outlines a plan to consolidate power in the executive branch, dismantle federal agencies and recruit and vet government employees to free the next Republican president from a system that Roberts views as stacked against conservative power. The lesson of Trump’s first year in office, Roberts told me, is that ‘the Trump administration … simply got a slow start. And Heritage and our allies in Project 2025 believe that must never be repeated.’”