PARA DISTRIBUCIÓN INMEDIATA: Donald Trump y los republicanos MAGA quieren acabar con el Seguro Social y Medicare tal como los conocemos
March 7, 2024

El director de medios hispanos del Comité Nacional Demócrata, Marco Frieri, emitió la siguiente declaración:
“Los republicanos de Donald Trump y MAGA tienen un historial de años de intentar acabar con el Seguro Social y Medicare tal como los conocemos; Trump incluso impulsó recortes a estos beneficios críticos en cada uno de sus presupuestos mientras estuvo en el cargo. Trump y el Partido Republicano todavía se postulan con la misma plataforma impopular y extrema que amenazaría los bolsillos de las personas mayores de Estados Unidos, pero los votantes no se dejan engañar por su cruel agenda que saben pondría en riesgo los beneficios que los estadounidenses se han ganado con tanto esfuerzo”.
Donald Trump es dueño de su historial extremo de proponer recortes a los programas de Medicare y Seguridad Social en CADA UNO de sus presupuestos.
Washington Post: “His avowed stance, however, is at odds with Trump’s own record as president: Each of his White House budget proposals included cuts to Social Security and Medicare programs.”
Vox: “Trump said he wouldn’t cut Medicaid, Social Security, and Medicare. His 2020 budget cuts all 3.”
Los presupuestos de Trump para los años fiscales 18, 19, 20 y 21 propusieron miles de millones de dólares en recortes a los programas de Seguridad Social.
2019 y 2020: Trump propuso presupuestos que incluían cientos de miles de millones de dólares en recortes a Medicare.
Trump dijo que recortaría el Seguro Social y Medicare en un segundo mandato, incluso amenazando la situación financiera de los programas al prometer eliminar permanentemente los impuestos que financian ambos programas.
National Review: “Speaking with CNBC at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Trump was asked whether he would cut entitlements at some point. ‘Will entitlements ever be on your plate?’ asked interviewer Joe Kernen. ‘At some point they will be,’ Trump responded. ‘At the right time, we will take a look at that. You know, that’s the easiest of all things [to cut].’”
CNN: “Trump now says he’s open to entitlement cuts, including Medicare”
Mediaite: “During a Fox News town hall, President Donald Trump promised to cut entitlements like Medicare and Social Security if he were to win a second term. … ‘But if you don’t cut something in entitlements, you will never really deal with the debt,’ town hall co-moderator Martha MacCallum interjected, alluding to social safety programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. ‘Oh, we’ll be cutting,’ Trump rushed to confirm.”
Washington Post: “President Trump pledged on Saturday to pursue a permanent cut to the payroll taxes that fund Social Security and Medicare if he wins reelection in November, a hard-to-accomplish political gambit that some experts see as a major headache for the future of the country’s entitlement programs.”
Trump: “Si ganamos… el impuesto sobre la nómina será rescindido”.
Telemundo 47: Orden ejecutiva de Trump no brinda perdón de impuestos sobre la nómina
CNN: “Eliminating the payroll tax could deplete the Social Security trust fund within three years if there’s no alternative source of revenue, according to the agency’s chief actuary.”
Associated Press: “Trump, in effect, has proposed a dramatic restructuring of how Social Security is financed by not relying on the payroll tax as a dedicated source, but instead by tapping the general fund. … The risk is that the loss of a dedicated funding source could destabilize an anti-poverty program that provides payments to roughly 65 million Americans. It also could force people to cut back on the spending that drives growth so they can save for their own retirement and health care needs if they believe the government backstop is in jeopardy. … It is highly unlikely that economic growth would be enough to offset the loss of the payroll tax. Indeed, Trump suggested that his 2017 income tax cuts would propel economic growth as high as 6% annually. That never happened.”
Trump ha hecho llamados para privatizar el Seguro Social e incluso elogió a los republicanos que impulsaron planes para poner fin al Medicare tal como lo conocemos.
Associated Press: Asesores de Trump han apoyado privatizar el Seguro Social
CNN: “Trump previously backed policies on Social Security for which he’s now attacking DeSantis, calling the program a ‘Ponzi scheme’”
“Former President Donald Trump once backed raising the retirement age to 70 and called for privatizing Social Security which he called a ‘Ponzi scheme’ – two positions he has hammered Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for supporting as a former member of Congress and congressional candidate. … but a CNN KFile review found Trump himself also once praised Ryan on Medicare, along with the 2012 presidential nominee Mitt Romney, without praising their specific policy proposal, which called for similar changes to Ryan’s plan.”
El plan de los republicanos del MAGA para destruir el Seguro Social y Medicare es muy impopular entre los estadounidenses.
Fox News: “Fox News Poll: 71% choose funding Social Security, Medicare over budget cuts”
Sahil Kapur, NBC News: “Digging deeper into this @FoxNews finding. Support for funding entitlements like Social Security & Medicare over reducing deficits is overwhelming with the GOP base:
Republicans 59-38%
Trump voters 59-37%
Conservatives 60-36%
Rural voters 70-26%
White non-college voters 73%-24%”
CNN: “Nearly 67 million Americans have received monthly Social Security benefits this year, and more than 66 million people are enrolled in Medicare. Polling shows little support for major changes to the programs themselves to help shore up their finances.
“A March CNN/SSRS poll of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents, for instance, found that 59% said it was ‘essential’ that the GOP nominee for president ‘pledges to maintain Social Security and Medicare as they are.’”
Associated Press: “Most oppose Social Security, Medicare cuts: AP-NORC poll”
Axios: “Nearly 9 in 10 Americans say they oppose reducing spending on Social Security or Medicare, according to new polling from our Axios-Ipsos Two Americas Index.