¿Que tienen en comun Kari Lake y Donald Trump? Ambos son unos perdedores MAGA, negacionistas electorales y demasiado extremos para Arizona

El portavoz del Comité Nacional Demócrata, Marco Frieri, emitió la siguiente declaración previo a la recaudación de fondos de Kari Lake en Mar-a-Lago:

“Donald Trump no dará la cara en Arizona, pero está lo suficientemente desesperado por conseguir dinero en efectivo como para permitir que su colega extremista MAGA, que es una negacionista electoral, recaude fondos en Mar-a-Lago. Lake se postula con la misma agenda perdedora MAGA de prohibir el aborto en todo el país, socavar nuestra democracia y poner su lealtad a Trump por encima del pueblo estadounidense. Los delirios de Lake y Trump de que pueden ganar en las elecciones generales puede que funcionen en Mar-a-Lago, pero los arizonenses los rechazarán a ambos nuevamente en noviembre”.

Lake es una famosa negacionista electoral que TODAVÍA no acepta los resultados de las elecciones presidenciales de 2020 ni su propia derrota en la carrera para la gubernatura de Arizona del 2022.

Univision: “La candidata republicana a la gubernatura de Arizona, Kari Lake, se mantiene en su postura de no reconocer que los resultados de los comicios del 8 de noviembre pasado no le favorecieron, y lejos de admitir la derrota, asegura que está formando un equipo legal y recopilando evidencias mientras analiza los pasos a seguir”.

CNN: “Kari Lake has put false claims about the 2020 election at the center of her campaign – repeatedly and falsely declaring the election ‘stolen’ and even calling it ‘disqualifying’ and ‘sickening’ that her top rival in the party primary wouldn’t say the same. In an interview with The New York Times in early August, after primary voters had cast their ballots, Lake said of Biden: ‘Deep down, I think we all know this illegitimate fool in the White House – I feel sorry for him – didn’t win.’”

Axios: “Lake was quick to brandish her Trump endorsement and criticized Robson for not rejecting the results of the 2020 election. Lake said the 2020 election was ‘corrupt and stolen’ and that Biden lost the election.”

Business Insider: “Arizona Governor candidate Kari Lake, the Republican who recently received an endorsement from former President Donald Trump, said she would not have certified the 2020 election results in the state. Trump lost Arizona by over 10,000 votes. … Lake has routinely echoed Trump’s baseless claims of election fraud. ‘Considering how much already at the time information we had about serious irregularities and problems with the election, I would not have certified it right then,’ Lake said.”

Associated Press: “Kari Lake, the Republican defeated in Arizona governor’s race, is formally challenging her loss to Democrat Katie Hobbs, asking a court to throw out certified election results from the state’s most populous county and either declare her the winner or rerun the governor’s election in that county. The lawsuit filed late Friday by Lake centers on long lines and other difficulties that people experienced while voting on Election Day in Maricopa County. The challenge filed in Maricopa County Superior Court also alleges hundreds of thousands of ballots were illegally cast, but there’s no evidence that’s true. Lake has refused to acknowledge that she lost to Hobbs by more than 17,000 votes.”

Jeremy Duda, Axios: “.@KariLake pidió que @SecretaryHobbs sea encarcelado por acusaciones ficticias de manipulación electoral. “Francamente, creo que deberían encerrarla”. La multitud comienza a cantar “enciérrenla”. Lake dice: “Estoy de acuerdo”.

Al igual que Trump, Lake es un extremista en contra del derecho a decidir, y acabaría con las libertades reproductivas si tuviera la oportunidad.

AZCentral: “Durante la carrera a gobernador, Lake se refirió a la ley de la era territorial de Arizona que prohíbe casi todos los abortos como ‘una gran ley en los libros ahora mismo’. También pidió una ley al estilo de Texas que prohíba los abortos a las seis semanas, una vez que se detecta el latido del corazón”.

Axios: “[Lake said she] would support and enforce Arizona’s pre-Roe ban on abortion, which would prohibit the procedure in nearly all cases and would criminalize doctors who perform it.”

Lake: “I’m incredibly thrilled that we are going to have a great law that’s already on the books. … It will prohibit abortion in Arizona except to save the life of a mother. And I think we’re going to be paving the way and setting course for other states to follow.”

Newsweek: “Lake told Baier that she would ‘very much support’ banning abortion pills in the state. ‘I think it’s really scary that a young, afraid mother could be at home taking a pill without medical supervision,’ Lake said. ‘It could be the end of the mother as well.’ While Lake expressed concern about women undergoing abortions without medical supervision, she supported the closure of all abortion clinics. Lake told Baier if she’s elected governor, she’ll let the Legislature pass laws ‘to protect the unborn.’ She noted that if abortion is illegal, it will be ‘very difficult for abortion clinics to survive and be open.’”

Lake criticó el popular acuerdo bipartidista de seguridad fronteriza que Trump le ordenó a los republicanos del Congreso que rechazaran.

NBC News: “Lake, a longtime Trump acolyte and MAGA star who lost a run for governor in 2022, didn’t mince her words in talking about the bill in Phoenix over the weekend. ‘She is crafting the worst border legislation that I’ve ever heard of,’ Lake said of Sinema. … ‘This is a disgusting plan that includes giving more of our hard-earned tax dollars to Ukraine and nothing to stop people from going across.’” 

Arizona Republic: “In Phoenix, Republican Senate candidate Kari Lake, a former TV news anchor who is running for Sinema’s seat, hailed the bill’s failure. She said it didn’t include funding for a needed border wall and would have instead fueled war efforts abroad while ignoring the threat of fentanyl in America.

“Lake called the bill ‘300 pages of pure garbage,’ before tossing it in a waste basket placed near her podium.”

Trump: “Creo que [los republicanos] están cometiendo un terrible error si votan a favor del proyecto de ley”.

Vox: “Trump made this clear when he reportedly urged Republicans in Congress to turn against the bipartisan Senate border security bill scheduled for a vote Wednesday so that he could keep the issue alive through the presidential election. His supporters have largely fallen in line.”

Navigator Research: “Two in Three Americans Support the Bipartisan Immigration Deal”

“Two in three Americans supported the bipartisan immigration deal reached in the Senate, but that will not be taken up for a vote in the House. … On the Republican approach to the recent immigration package, Americans’ greatest concerns are that they are focused on the wrong issues and playing politics.”

“The immigration deal earns support across party lines, including among three in four Republicans (net +58; 74 percent support –16 percent oppose), two in three independents (net +48; 64 percent support – 16 percent oppose), and three in five Democrats (net +32; 59 percent support – 27 percent oppose).”

Mientras Trump promete ser un dictador desde el “primer día” y repite el mismo lenguaje utilizado por Hitler, Lake sigue su ejemplo al repetir la retórica de nacionalistas blancos y de fraternizar con dictadores.

Media Matters: “Las conexiones de Lake con extremistas políticos en los medios no son nuevas. Una locutora de noticias de televisión local desde hace mucho tiempo que cuenta con el respaldo del ex presidente Donald Trump, apareció con un YouTuber que simpatiza con los nazis, activistas de QAnon y una vez respaldó a un streamer antisemita de extrema derecha que se postulaba para el Senado del estado de Oklahoma”.

Media Matters: “Kari Lake ha fraternizado con numerosas figuras de los medios antisemitas en el tiempo relativamente corto que lleva en política. Estas figuras han dicho que los judíos son “enemigos de los estadounidenses” y “deben ser detenidos y luego expulsados ​​del continente”; defendió a los nazis diciendo que “protegían su soberanía”; y dijo: “No estoy en deuda con los judíos”.

Newsweek: “Lake added that U.S. media is going after what she called ‘the truth tellers and the peacemakers,’ which she said included Trump and Hungary’s populist prime minister, Viktor Orbán. ‘I hear those two men talking about peace, but I hear the saber-rattling and the drum beat of “let’s start a war” from a lot of these countries with globalist-type political leaders,’ Lake said.” 

Arizona Republic: “Kari Lake’s immigration remark plays into racist ‘Great Replacement Theory,’ scholar says”

Business Insider: “Speaking at a convention of Georgia Republicans, Lake told hundreds of delegates that the ‘75 million Americans’ who voted for Trump are armed and ready to defend him.”