ICYMI: RNC Bookings are “Underwhelming,” Adding to List of Broken Republican Promises

Today, the Recombobulation Area reported that bookings for the Republican National Committee’s convention – which starts in nearly two weeks – are “underwhelming” and a “failure.” Business owners in Milwaukee who were promised an economic boom from the influx of visitors and money are losing faith that the RNC will deliver on its promised impact. This adds to numerous failures and insults to the city of Milwaukee from the Republican Party and their nominee, Donald Trump.

First, Donald Trump promised up to 13,000 new jobs in Wisconsin from the Foxconn deal. With a golden shovel in hand, he called it the “eighth wonder of the world” and lauded the “wonderful trade deal.” As Wisconsinites know, the jobs never materialized

Then, the RNC used a picture of Ho Chi Minh City on their official convention website, mistaking the skyline for Milwaukee’s. 

Next, Donald Trump infamously called the city of Milwaukee “horrible,” sparking outrage from Milwaukee defenders and those who know the truth about the beautiful city. The backlash was so severe, Trump’s team was forced to walk back his comments.

If that wasn’t enough, Trump wasn’t even going to stay in Milwaukee during the RNC, instead opting to stay at his Trump Tower in Chicago. When he got caught, his hotel reservations quickly changed. 

And now, the RNC is failing to make good on it’s promises to the city of Milwaukee, as residents and local business owners call the RNC’s planning “underwhelming” and a “failure.”

Each of these insults come after Trump’s associates in Wisconsin fueled Trump’s fake electors plot and fanned the flames of election denial conspiracies in the state and across the nation.

In response to more damning reporting of how Trump and MAGA Republicans have repeatedly disrespected the city of Milwaukee, DNC spokesperson Addy Toevs released the following statement: 

“Republicans just can’t seem to get it right with Milwaukeeans. Under Donald Trump’s watch, Wisconsin lost more than 80,000 jobs. To add insult to injury, just weeks ago Trump called Milwaukee a ‘horrible city,’ sparking backlash from locals and Americans across the country who want him to know that the dislike is mutual. Then, reports showed Trump refusing to stay in Milwaukee during the RNC, prompting his campaign to cancel his reservation at Trump Tower in Chicago to stem the tide of criticism. Now, Republicans are once again failing to make good on their promises that the Republican convention will bring an influx of money and tourism to local businesses as projected activity remains lackluster. We aren’t surprised – Trump’s Republican party consistently over promises and under delivers for the American people, and we will reject them for it in November when voters in Milwaukee and across the country send President Biden back to the White House for four more years.

The Recombobulation Area: SPECIAL REPORT: RNC bookings “underwhelming” and a “failure,” event venues and restaurants raise concerns

By Dan Shafer

Key Point: “Gary Witt, president and CEO of the Pabst Theater Group, told The Recombobulation Area that the majority of the group’s venues will have no events booked for the RNC. 

“Two of downtown Milwaukee’s most iconic venues, the Pabst Theater and Riverside Theater, will likely sit empty during the convention, he said, as will the Vivarium and The Fitzgerald, which are both located on Milwaukee’s East Side. Turner Hall Ballroom will host a yet-to-be announced organization, but that arrangement was made for the DNC in 2020 before the convention went mostly virtual.

“Witt characterized the RNC planning as ‘underwhelming’ and a ‘failure.’

“‘It’s 100% a case of ‘overpromise, underdeliver,’ on all parts, by everybody,’ he said.

“‘We were told it was going to be one way over and over and over and over again when (the RNC) was confirmed, and it has turned out to be almost anything but the way that we were told it was going to turn out,’ Witt said. ‘We were sold a storyline of how this is going to go, and basically it didn’t go anything at all like the storyline that we were sold.’

“Witt also said the Pabst Theater Group is in ‘constant contact with everyone else in town that does what we do, and I’m hearing the same thing from them.’”