Editorial Boards: Republicans Want To Gut Social Security And Medicare

Editorial boards across the country have called out Republicans for wanting to gut Medicare and Social Security to pay for their massive tax cuts for the wealthy and big corporations.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch Editorial: “Predictably, Republicans Hint That Tax-Plan Deficit Justifies Entitlement Cuts.”

Charleston Gazette-Mail Editorial: “Right On Schedule, Now The GOP Thinks There Is Too Much Social Security And Medicare.”

Times-Tribune Editorial: “For McConnell to target ‘entitlements’ as the means to pay for that largess to the wealthy is the height of cynicism.”

The Republican Editorial: “On Tuesday, just a day after it was announced that the federal deficit went through the roof, McConnell, a Republican from Kentucky, pointed to spending on Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security as the real sources of the problem… We are moving in the wrong direction during boom times. And the cause, despite what McConnell would have folks believe, are the GOP’s improvident tax cuts, not entitlement spending.”

Portland Press Herald Editorial: “The loss of revenue caused by the tax cut has led Republican leaders like House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to call for cuts to Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security.  Meanwhile, Poliquin said there is a ‘finite amount of money out there’ for the temporary food assistance that helps thousands of Mainers, and he has championed policies in the House farm bill that worsened hunger here in Maine… It’s time for a change. Golden’s record shows that in Congress he would be a better representative for Maine.”

Star-Ledger Editorial: “They have exploded our federal deficit, and to ‘solve’ this, Republicans like Speaker Paul Ryan — who just campaigned for Webber — are now threatening to cut Medicare and Social Security. They are also still vowing to repeal Obamacare… Judge Sherrill by the people she runs around with, Webber demands. Well, judge him by that measure too — and above all, his own record, which proves that he’s far too extreme for the people of this district.”