DNC Chair Statement on Donald Trump and Aid to Israel

DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz issued the following statement:

“Donald Trump – a man with no foreign policy experience who said his top foreign policy advisor is himself – is about to take the stage and speak to Jewish leaders at the annual AIPAC conference. But many of us in the Jewish community have already heard enough.
“Trump said today that countries receiving foreign aid from the United States should be forced to pay us instead, suggesting that countries including Israel ‘can pay and they can pay big.’ And earlier today, he suggested the United States should significantly diminish our involvement in NATO, saying it is ‘costing us a fortune,’ questioning our decades-long, bipartisan commitment to the safety and security of Europe and our regional allies.

“This is outrageous and further proof that Donald Trump does not understand America’s role in peacekeeping, or the vital importance of our historic, strategic alliance with Israel. He simply lacks the knowledge, judgment and temperament necessary to occupy the Oval Office as commander-in-chief. I call on Republicans, including the Chair of the RNC, Reince Priebus and members of the Republican Jewish Coalition to denounce his remarks. Americans must reject the dangerous notion of a Trump administration and elect a Democrat as the 45th President of the United States.”