Carson Can’t Defend Trump’s Disastrous Budget Cuts To Affordable Housing
March 4, 2020
Ben Carson is testifying before the House today, where he will have to answer for Trump’s budget, which calls for cutting affordable housing programs and raising out-of-pocket housing costs for those in need.
Trump once again called for massive, unpopular cuts to HUD’s budget and failed to allocate new funds to combat homelessness nationwide.
Washington Post: “Trump proposed an $8.6 billion cut for the Department of Housing and Urban Development for 2021, a 15.2 percent decrease from the amount enacted for 2020.”
Politico: “President Donald Trump, who for months has blasted Los Angeles, San Francisco and other big cities struggling to deal with homelessness, is offering no additional federal funds to deal with the crisis. … Trump has called for dramatic cuts to HUD’s budget every year since taking office only to be rebuffed by lawmakers of both parties, who have opted instead to boost the department’s funding.”
Trump’s budget called for cutting rental assistance programs and raising out-of-pocket rent contributions on those in need.
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: “But, for the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) — much like in the President’s first three budgets — the budget proposes massive cuts in rental housing aid, which would leave hundreds of thousands more seniors, families with children, and other low-income households struggling to afford their rent and, in turn, likely worsen homelessness. The budget would: Slash public housing funding by $3.2 billion, or 43 percent, in 2021. … Eliminate funding for about 160,000 Housing Choice Vouchers that seniors, families with children, and others use to rent decent, stable homes at an affordable cost.”
Politico: “The budget also calls for the adoption of a legislative proposal the administration floated in 2018 to overhaul rental assistance, in part by raising recipients’ rent contribution from 30 percent to 35 percent of their monthly income. That proposal has also gone nowhere on Capitol Hill.”
Trump’s budget eliminates programs that improve local communities and affordable housing, such as community development block grants.
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: “The budget would: … Eliminate the National Housing Trust Fund, Home Investment Partnerships, Community Development Block Grant, and Choice Neighborhoods programs. Together, these programs provide more than $5 billion per year in flexible resources that communities use to build and rehabilitate affordable housing.”