Ahead of Trump’s Rally, DNC Launches Full Page Ad In Tulsa Black Newspaper
June 19, 2020
Ad highlights how Black Americans have lost jobs and lives
Ahead of Trump’s in-person rally in Oklahoma one day after Juneteenth, today the Democratic National Committee is launching a full page newspaper-ad campaign in the Oklahoma Eagle, a historic Black paper in Tulsa.
This afternoon, the DNC will also host a press conference call with Congressman and Biden for President Co-Chair Cedric Richmond and Oklahoma state Representative Ajay Pittman to highlight the public health threat posed by his planned rally and his broader record of broken promises that have hurt working Americans — especially in the African American community. And Alicia Andrews, the first African American to chair the Oklahoma Democratic Party, published an op-ed today in The Oklahoman blasting Trump’s rally, writing that “his presence will divide us, his words will incite prejudice, and his ego-driven rally will pose new threats to Oklahomans’ health.”
“Everything about Trump’s political event, from the blatant disregard for the history of Juneteenth and Black Wall Street to the reckless apathy for coronavirus health and safety standards, is a reminder of why he’s unfit to be president — and that’s all before he’s even opened his mouth,” said Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez. “Ever since he got elected, Trump has been dragging our country down with him, and his ineffective response to the coronavirus coupled with his total failure to bring our country together in this time of national crisis have been devastating for African Americans. He’s cost us all jobs, lives, and wherever he goes, Democrats will ensure voters know who to hold accountable.”
The ad highlights Trump’s infamous comments during the 2016 campaign to African American voters — “What do you have to lose?” — and will run for one week. An image of the ad is below: