Trump Cabinet Officials Campaign For Trump At Taxpayers’ Expense
July 7, 2020
Trump’s cabinet officials are campaigning throughout the country on the taxpayers’ dime even as coronavirus cases surge, deaths surpass 130,000, and states are forced to pause reopening plans.
Secretary Azar has focused on campaigning for Trump in key battleground states Trump needs to win for reelection.
Politico: “In the midst of a coronavirus pandemic, the nation’s top health official is focused on showing his face in states that President Donald Trump needs to win for reelection. Since late April, HHS Secretary Alex Azar has made 11 trips to states — including nine to key battlegrounds in the 2020 campaign: Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Maine and North Carolina, as well as two trips apiece to Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.”
EPA Administrator Wheeler and Secretaries Bernhardt and Brouillete have also walked “a fine ethical line” by focusing considerable attention on campaigning for Trump.
E&E News: “The heads of President Trump’s environment and energy agencies in recent weeks have focused considerable attention on states that are key to the president’s reelection campaign while walking a fine ethical line. EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler, Interior Secretary David Bernhardt and Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette have paid visits and made media appearances, including on conservative talk radio in crucial swing states in recent weeks. These include treks to Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and Florida in the time since their travel schedules have resumed after being cut off due to the coronavirus pandemic.”
Secretaries Perdue and Pompeo also followed Azar’s lead and have campaigned on Trump’s behalf in pivotal states.
Associated Press: “U.S. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue tromped through a strawberry festival in central Florida, detailing the government’s new trade pact. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo talked about foreign policy at a roundtable in south Florida. … With President Donald Trump confronted by skyrocketing joblessness and the coronavirus pandemic as he campaigns for reelection against Democrat Joe Biden, members of his Cabinet are busy making time in pivotal states.”