Trump ‘Bored’ By Coronavirus After His Failed Response Made Things Worse
July 20, 2020
Trump has completely moved on from the pandemic. He has no interest in addressing skyrocketing cases or rising death tolls. Instead, Trump continues to downplay the crisis and is now trying to cut billions of dollars in proposed funding for testing, contact tracing, and the CDC, even as states are still struggling to get the resources they need because of Trump’s failed response.
Trump and the White House are adamant that the best way forward is to continue to downplay the dangers of the coronavirus.
TRUMP: “I’ll be right eventually. I will be right eventually. You know I said, ‘It’s going to disappear.’ I’ll say it again.”
New York Times: “Some of Mr. Trump’s closest advisers are adamant that the best way forward is to downplay the dangers of the disease. Mark Meadows, the chief of staff, has been particularly forceful in his view that the White House should avoid drawing attention to the virus, according to people familiar with the discussions.”
Trump has become “bored” with the coronavirus and is not really working on or worried about it anymore.
Washington Post: “Trump in recent weeks has been committing less of his time and energy to managing the pandemic, according to advisers, and has only occasionally spoken in detail about the topic in his public appearances. One of these advisers said the president is ‘not really working this anymore. He doesn’t want to be distracted by it. He’s not calling and asking about data. He’s not worried about cases.’”
New York Times: “‘The president got bored with it,’ David Carney, an adviser to the Texas governor, Greg Abbott, said of the pandemic.”
Despite Trump’s lies about his handling of the coronavirus crisis, his response was “one of the greatest failures of presidential leadership in generations.”
Washington Post: “Trump defends bungled handling of coronavirus with falsehoods and dubious claims”
New York Times: “But their ultimate goal was to shift responsibility for leading the fight against the pandemic from the White House to the states. They referred to this as ‘state authority handoff,’ and it was at the heart of what would become at once a catastrophic policy blunder and an attempt to escape blame for a crisis that had engulfed the country — perhaps one of the greatest failures of presidential leadership in generations.”
Washington Post: “The United States did not follow the expert advice. Now, the curve is crushing America.”
State and local officials are still unable to get the resources they need, and yet Trump is trying to block billions of dollars in resources to states.
Washington Post: “As coronavirus cases and hospitalizations climb, state and local officials nationwide are sounding the alarm, warning that they’re missing key resources to confront the surge.”
Washington Post: “The Trump administration is trying to block billions of dollars for states to conduct testing and contact tracing in the upcoming coronavirus relief bill, people involved in the talks said Saturday. The administration is also trying to block billions of dollars that GOP senators want to allocate for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and billions more for the Pentagon and State Department to address the pandemic at home and abroad, the people said.”
Hospitalizations and deaths are now on the rise across the country as a result of Trump’s failure to contain the virus.
New York Times: “After the Recent Surge in Coronavirus Cases, Deaths Are Now Rising Too”
Axios: “The surge in coronavirus hospitalizations is severe”