FACT SHEET: Trump Failed To Build A Caring Economy, Doesn’t Understand The Challenges Working Families Face

Our country is experiencing a caregiving crisis, which has only been exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic and Trump’s disastrous response. Trump has failed to deliver on his childcare promises, doesn’t understand the challenges working families face, and has only made things worse for American families.

Trump’s failed response exacerbated the economic fallout from coronavirus, which created further hardship for parents who were already struggling due to Trump’s broken childcare promises.

  • When the pandemic hit, schools and day care centers shut down, impacting about 55 million students at K-12 schools and 5 million children in day care and preschool.

  • Trump has failed to live up to his many promises to reduce the cost of childcare. Trump’s tax law reduced the value of the child and dependent care credit for low- and moderate-income families and left 10 million low-income kids out of any significant increase in the child tax credit.

  • Trump’s budget proposals failed to boost funds to a level sufficient to address the problems of child care affordability and low pay for child care workers.

Trump failed to secure real progress on paid family leave and even scaled back paid family leave requirements during the pandemic.

  • More than three years into his presidency, Trump has broken his promise on paid family leave. In fact, Trump scaled back paid leave requirements for employers during the pandemic, allowing many companies to decline to provide sick leave for child care.

  • Trump touted paid family leave proposals that wouldn’t let workers take paid leave to care for sick children or other family members, would force workers to borrow from their future selves, and could force states to increase unemployment insurance taxes on employers as a pay-for.

Trump is pushing all schools to fully reopen and threatening to withhold funding, but has no plan on how schools, teachers, and caregivers can do so safely.

  • Trump opposed CDC guidelines and other school safety measures, in part because they wouldn’t be aesthetically pleasing, and DeVos wouldn’t say schools should follow CDC guidelines on reopenings, claiming they were meant to be “flexible.”

  • While Trump and DeVos continue to downplay the risks, millions of teachers and older adults who live with children are at high risk of complications from coronavirus, and studies show older children actually spread the virus at higher rates than adults.

As coronavirus ripped through nursing homes, Trump failed to provide facilities with needed resources and pushed ahead with efforts to relax regulations.

  • Nursing homes, which account for 40% of all coronavirus deaths in the country, have been devastated by the Trump administration’s disastrous response to the virus.

  • The Trump administration refused to mandate universal testing at nursing homes and failed to coordinate regular testing of nursing home staff. The Trump administration was slow to track cases and ultimately gave nursing homes a pass on reporting prior to early May, obscuring the full toll.

  • Months after coronavirus began spreading across the country, many nursing homes and long-term care facilities still report that they lack needed PPE.

  • The Trump administration relaxed training requirements for caregivers during the pandemic, and continued consideration of pre-pandemic plans to weaken infection control rules at those facilities.

Trump’s coronavirus response has failed to look out for the physical safety and economic security of frontline health care workers.

  • Hundreds of frontline health care workers have died and over 100,000 have been infected as Trump botched his response to the crisis and failed to learn his lesson as cases spike nationwide.

  • Trump was slow to fully invoke the Defense Production Act to address supply shortages, and now the country is once again suffering from shortages as cases spike.

  • Trump’s Labor Department used a broad definition to exclude health care workers, who often are paid low wages, from paid sick leave under coronavirus response legislation.

Trump’s repeated efforts to eliminate the Affordable Care Act and slash billions from Medicaid pose a threat to long-term care for seniors and the wellbeing of their caretakers.

  • Trump’s efforts to repeal the ACA would weaken resident protections at nursing homes, limit options for seniors, and strip health care from employees.

  • Trump’s health care repeal bills and budget proposals called for massive cuts and structural changes to Medicaid that could reduce services for seniors.