NEW POLL: Very Few Americans Support Trump Forcing Schools To Unsafely Reopen
July 22, 2020
“The coronavirus is surging now more than ever after Trump recklessly rushed to reopen the country. Now he’s at it again – forcing schools to reopen without ensuring it can be done safely and rolling back CDC guidelines. Americans disapprove of Trump’s failed response and they don’t trust him to protect the safety of their children and their families. Trump may not want to listen now, but he’ll hear from them in November.” – DNC War Room senior spokesperson and adviser Lily Adams
Very few Americans support Trump’s push to reopen schools without ensuring it can be done safely.
Associated Press: “The poll finds only 8% of Americans say K-12 schools should open for normal in-person instruction. Just 14% think they can reopen with minor adjustments, while 46% think major adjustments are needed. Another 31% think instruction should not be in person this fall. It’s little different among the parents of school-age children.”
It’s no wonder an overwhelming majority of Americans disapprove of Trump’s handling of education issues.
Associated Press: “Americans show little confidence in Trump’s handling of education issues. Only 36% say they approve of Trump’s performance, while 63% disapprove.”