Trump’s Chaos Threatens Unemployed Americans
July 23, 2020
Tens of millions of working Americans are days away from losing most of their income because Trump refused for months to consider extending enhanced unemployment relief. Now that those benefits are about to expire, Trump and Republicans can’t get their act together to provide badly needed relief.
Tens of millions of unemployed Americans are about to lose a majority of their income, but Trump and Republicans have struggled to get their act together.
New York Times: “More than 20 million Americans could soon see their weekly income fall by half or more at a time when the unemployment rate remains higher than in any period since World War II.”
Washington Post: “White House, GOP in disarray over coronavirus spending plan as deadline nears on expiring emergency aid”
Politico’s Jake Sherman: “DELAYED … So, in sum, @senatemajldr’s announcement of the GOP covid package is pushed, as the administration and Senate Rs continue to haggle over details.”
House Democrats passed additional coronavirus relief and extended unemployment benefits more than two months ago, but Trump’s White House refused to even begin negotiations.
Nexstar: “House Democrats are pushing the Senate to take up the Heroes Act after it was passed two months ago.”
Washington Post: “After delaying discussions for weeks, the White House is now trying to rush talks in part because more than 20 million Americans are slated to receive their final expanded unemployment check at the end of this week before the program expires.”
Because of Trump’s delay, the White House is close to breaking its promise to not let enhanced unemployment benefits expire this week.
KUDLOW: “‘We’re not going to let unemployment expire — no way.”
Politico’s Jake Sherman: “I just asked @senatemajldr if he anticipates a coronavirus bill will pass by the end of next week — which is what @stevenmnuchin1 and @MarkMeadows are running around the Hill saying. MCCONNELL let out a big laugh and said: ‘No.’”
Republicans’ failure to extend enhanced unemployment will create unnecessary hardship for millions of families and could be devastating for the economy.
New York Times: “End of $600 Unemployment Bonus Could Push Millions Past the Brink”
New York Times: “Ernie Tedeschi, a former Treasury Department official and an economist at Evercore ISI Research, has estimated that if the payments ceased, the U.S. gross domestic product would be 2 percent smaller at the end of 2020 and there would be 1.7 million fewer jobs nationwide.”
As the pandemic surges, unemployed workers across the country fear what will happen if they lose their benefits because of Trump’s failure to lead.
Unemployed Georgia Worker: “At this point, I have no idea what I’m going to do” about the looming expiration of enhanced benefits.
Unemployed Florida Worker: The extra benefits “are literally vital to survival. It’s tough to even think about what happens once July ends.”
Unemployed Florida Mother: “Everything is out of my control. You can’t just pull the rug because it’s not over.”
Unemployed Indiana Worker: “‘If Congress does not continue these benefits, my partner and I are looking at making around $193 a week each with Indiana’s unemployment allowances. With two kids and rent and groceries, that is not enough for us to survive.”
Unemployed Oklahoma Father: “‘If the $600 gets yanked, I’ll have to start deciding, OK, which obligations can I afford to not meet: paying rent, student loans, car payments, putting food on the table? It would be a disaster.”
Unemployed Kentucky Mother: How is Congress, “going to take the money away when there’s all of these people like me who haven’t even received it yet?”