Trump’s Executive Actions Keep Getting Worse For Struggling Americans
August 18, 2020
After derailing congressional negotiations, Trump cut enhanced unemployment benefits in half from his golf course, provided no funding for food assistance, and did virtually nothing to stop evictions.
In addition to getting less money after Trump cut enhanced unemployment benefits, out-of-work Americans may only get benefits for three weeks.
Washington Post: “Out-of-work Americans may see only a three-week boost to their unemployment benefits, as state and federal officials scramble to stretch out a limited pot of money and implement President Trump’s recent policy order.”
After Trump put the financial burden on states already struggling from the pandemic, few states have offered to cover the benefits he cut.
HuffPost: “Few States Taking Up Trump’s Unemployment Offer So Far”
The number of Americans going hungry is growing after Trump let unemployment benefits expire and provided no funding for food assistance.
Wall Street Journal: “The number of Americans who say they can’t afford enough food for themselves or their children is growing, according to Census data, and it is likely to get larger now that some government benefits have expired. As of late last month, about 12.1% of adults lived in households that didn’t have enough to eat at some point in the previous week, up from 9.8% in early May, Census figures show. And almost 20% of Americans with kids at home couldn’t afford to give their children enough food, up from almost 17% in early June.”
Despite his claims, Trump’s executive order did virtually nothing to stop evictions that are continuing across the country as tens of millions are at risk.
Washington Post: “But across the country, evictions are continuing…Trump’s executive order directed some regulators to study whether an eviction moratorium was necessary and others to investigate whether they could appropriate money for rental assistance. But it fell short of reinstating the federal eviction ban that prohibited evictions of 12 million renters in government-backed properties that expired last month, as many had expected.”
CNN: “Up to 40 million Americans could be evicted by the end of this year, according to a new report published Friday by the Aspen Institute. The report warns that the United States may be facing the most severe housing crisis in history if conditions do not change, with up to 43% of renter households facing eviction this year.”