Republican Convention Ignores Coronavirus, Tries To Rewrite Trump’s Failed Response
August 26, 2020
Trump’s failed coronavirus response led to the U.S. having the worst outbreak in the world, with the most deaths and cases of any country by far. Instead of presenting a plan to contain the virus, Trump and Republicans are using their convention to try to rewrite history and ignore the pandemic that killed on average more than 1,000 Americans a day this month.
CNN: “RNC largely ignores coronavirus pandemic”
BuzzFeed: “The Republican National Convention Is Creating A False Coronavirus Fantasy”
Washington Post: “Trump uses Republican convention to try to rewrite coronavirus history, casting himself as lifesaving hero”
Associated Press: “At Trump’s convention, the coronavirus pandemic has largely subsided, not continued to infect thousands of Americans a day.”
Vox : “The RNC keeps referring to Covid-19 in the past tense. 1,147 American deaths were reported Tuesday.”
NBC News: “For the second night in a row, you could be forgiven for watching the convention and having no idea a worldwide pandemic was raging. The COVID-19 crisis, which voters say is the most important issue facing the country right now, almost never came up Tuesday.”