Trump, DeVos Ongoing Attacks On Public Education
August 26, 2020
Secretary DeVos has no experience in public education and it shows. Under Trump, she has consistently mounted an attack against public education, hurting students across the country.
Trump nominated Betsy DeVos to be the Secretary of Education despite her having ZERO experience with public schools.
Education Week: DeVos would “be one of only a few secretaries entering the job without experience teaching in a k-12 school, or college; running a university, school system or state education agency, or overseeing public education as a governor, or governor’s education aide.”
Trump and DeVos mounted an attack on public education to siphon funding toward private, charter, and religious schools every year in Trump’s budget request.
2017 — Associated Press: “The 2018 budget, unveiled Tuesday, slashes funding for the Education Department by 13.5 percent…For elementary and secondary education, the budget seeks to expand charter and voucher-type programs for private schools around the country. It calls for an additional $1 billion in funds to encourage school districts to advance choice options, $250 million in scholarships to low-income families to attend private schools and $167 million to start or expand charter schools.”
2018 — Washington Post: “More than $1 billion would be spent on private school vouchers and other school choice plans under the budget proposal released Monday by President Trump and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos. The proposal also calls for slashing the Education Department’s budget and devoting more resources to career training, at the expense of four-year colleges and universities..”
2019 — Washington Post: “President Trump is again proposing to cut billions of dollars from the Education Department, seeking to eliminate after-school programs, teacher training and grants for other school needs. But his budget proposal would create a $5 billion program to help children attend private schools.”
2020 — Washington Post: “If adopted, the tax break would represent a significant shift of federal tax money to private education. Overall, the Trump budget would cut the Education Department’s discretionary spending by 7.8 percent, reducing and consolidating programs across the agency. Funding for 29 education programs, including more than $24 billion in spending, would be replaced with a single block-grant program to states totaling just over $19 billion.”