House Republicans Show They Have No Courage And Lack Wisdom By Backing Trump’s Absurd Lawsuit
December 11, 2020
A majority of House Republicans have signed on to Texas’s lawsuit seeking to have the Supreme Court take the unprecedented step of overturning the will of the people because of Trump’s baseless and repeatedly disproven claims of voter fraud. Trump keeps tweeting “Courage & Wisdom,” but House Republicans have proven they have neither by supporting Trump in this “absurd” and “laughable” lawsuit that won’t work.
A majority of House Republicans signed on to a brief backing Texas’s lawsuit seeking to have the Supreme Court take the unprecedented step of overturning the will of the people over Trump’s baseless claims of fraud.
Washington Post: “A majority of House Republicans have signed onto an amicus brief in a Texas lawsuit seeking unprecedented judicial intervention in disallowing millions of votes and the election results from four key swing states that went for President-elect Joe Biden.”
Associated Press: “The lawsuit filed against Michigan, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin repeats false, disproven, and unsubstantiated accusations about the voting in four states that went for Trump’s Democratic challenger. The case demands that the high court invalidate the states’ 62 total Electoral College votes. That’s an unprecedented remedy in American history: setting aside the votes of tens of millions of people, under the baseless claim the Republican incumbent lost a chance at a second term due to widespread fraud.”
Election law experts have overwhelmingly rejected the lawsuit, which will not change the outcome of the election, calling it “outlandish,” “absurd,” and “laughable.”
William & Mary Law School professor Rebecca Green: “It is so outlandish. It is totally contrary to how our Constitution mandates that elections be run. The idea that a state could complain about another state’s processes is just absurd.”
South Texas College of Law professor Josh Blackman: “It would be unthinkable for the court to just throw out that many votes. That’s just not how election law works.”
University of Kentucky election law professor Joshua Douglas: “The claims and requested relief are laughable. It’s an absurd lawsuit and we shouldn’t treat it as anything other than that.”
University of California law professor Rick Hasen: “The Supreme Court is not going to overturn the election in the Texas case, as the President has told them to do.”
Republican election law expert Benjamin Ginsberg: “I can’t imagine something that is less faithful to the principle of states’ rights than a Texas attorney general trying to tell other states how to run their elections.”
Officials across the country, including in states where Trump contested the election and Republicans, have called on the Supreme Court to not take up the lawsuit because it “has no basis in law or fact.”
Georgia Republican Attorney General Chris Carr: “The novel and far-reaching claims that Texas asserts, and the breathtaking remedies it seeks, are impossible to ground in legal principles and unmanageable.”
Idaho Republican Attorney General Lawrence Wasden: “As is sometimes the case, the legally correct decision may not be the politically convenient decision. But my responsibility is to the state of Idaho and the rule of law.”Ohio Republican Attorney General Dave Yost and Solicitor General Benjamin Flowers: “Federal courts, just like state courts, lack authority to change the legislatively chosen method for appointing presidential electors. And so federal courts, just like state courts, lack authority to order legislatures to appoint electors without regard to the results of an already-completed election.”
Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro: “Texas’s effort to get this Court to pick the next President has no basis in law or fact. The court should not abide this seditious abuse of the judicial process, and should send a clear and unmistakable signal that such abuse must never be replicated.”
Connecticut Attorney General William Tong: Americans “cast their ballots in a free and fair election. Their decision must be respected.”