DNC Chair: ‘Republicans are cynically stoking fear about children and families to score political points’
April 23, 2021
In a new video today, DNC Chair Jaime Harrison is calling out Republicans for cynically stoking fear and politicizing the lives of children after a new report from Politico revealed that Republicans saw the challenges at the border coming and did nothing, further demonstrating that they’ve never been serious about tackling the issues at the border.
Republicans saw the challenges at the border coming and did nothing because they wanted to sabotage President Biden and politicize the lives of children.
Politico: “When Donald Trump took his final trip as president to the southwest border in January, the publicly stated purpose was to tout his record. Privately, however, his Republican allies had hatched a plan that they thought could get them back into the seats of power. … The conversations around the trip were some of the earliest indications that Republicans anticipated the spike in migrants crossing the border — due to seasonal patterns and regional crises — and planned to use it as a political cudgel to try to retake Congress in the midterm elections.”
President Biden and Democrats are the only ones working toward solutions to fix the broken immigration system Trump and Republicans left behind.
DNC Chair Jaime Harrison: “Republicans are cynically stoking fear about children and families to score political points … Their tactics didn’t work in 2017. They didn’t work in 2018. They didn’t work in 2020. And they won’t work now. I’m proud that Democrats are working on solutions to the challenges at the border — Republicans need to drop their scare tactics and they need to help to find real solutions.”