DNC Announces Historic Investment to Activate Voters of Color Ahead of New Jersey’s Elections

Initial investment includes over $400,000 to get out the early vote and reach multi-lingual voters

Today, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) announced historic plans to invest over $400,000 in New Jersey in support of Democrats up and down the ballot ahead of November’s elections. 

Today’s investment is the biggest-ever that the DNC has made in an off-year New Jersey Coordinated Campaign. This investment will support the New Jersey Democrats’ efforts to reach and turn out New Jersey’s voters of color ahead of the elections, particularly among the state’s rapidly growing AAPI community. 

In addition to ensuring that New Jersey Democrats have the resources they need to win, this program will also allow DNC resources to help pilot key programming ahead of the 2022 midterms.

“The DNC is committed to making sure New Jersey Democrats have the resources they need to once again win up and down the ticket in November,” said DNC Chair Jaime Harrison. “Our historic investments will engage with and turn out every eligible voter who cares about seeing working families thrive, no matter what New Jersey neighborhood they live in or language they speak. From increasing organizing volunteer capacity to protecting the right to vote and engaging new voters, the DNC is meeting the moment and fighting to ensure that out-of-touch New Jersey Republicans stay on the defensive in Trenton.” 

“The DNC understands that we are a stronger, fairer, and more representative New Jersey when every eligible voter can participate in our democracy,” said Governor Phil Murphy. “This significant investment will support ongoing efforts to strengthen voter protections and mobilize turnout within our communities of color this fall.”

Additional details on the DNC’s investment include:

  • Multi-Lingual Outreach: The DNC will expand robust voter education programming for voters of color across New Jersey, including multi-lingual outreach to mobilize NJ’s growing Spanish-speaking and AAPI populations.
  • Distributed Organizing Capacity: The DNC will mobilize the thousands of national volunteers who took part in the 2020 election to support the New Jersey Coordinated Campaign through volunteer recruitment, voter education, and early vote turnout — the first general election in New Jersey with early voting, thanks to the efforts of Governor Murphy.
  • IWillVote Assets for Voter Protection: The DNC will lead a robust voter protection effort to expand access to early vote and protect the vote, including polling place lookup tools, access to a national hotline and voter protection team database for monitoring and incident tracking, and national political engagement to raise awareness among partner groups to get involved.

This investment comes on top of the initial $20 million investment that Chair Harrison has already announced the DNC will make before the general election in 2022. It’s also in addition to a historic four-year agreement to provide $23 million to state parties as part of the DNC’s 2022 midterm strategy.

Earlier this year, Vice President Kamala Harris announced the DNC will invest another $25 million to expand its “I Will Vote” initiative to address and overcome efforts across the country to make voting more difficult and burdensome.
