DNC Chair Jaime Harrison and DNC Hispanic Council Chair Iris Martinez celebrate the beginning of National Hispanic Heritage Month with the following statement:
“As we kick off National Hispanic Heritage Month, we’re excited to honor and celebrate the many members of the Latino and Hispanic community who have made extraordinary contributions to our country.
“Latino voters used their voting power to put President Biden and Vice President Harris in office, placing their faith in Democrats to deliver for their communities. In the past eight months we’ve done just that. The American Rescue Plan has reduced the number of Hispanics living in poverty by almost 40 percent. The American Rescue Plan has also prioritized ensuring that Latinos and their communities have access to the vaccine and resources necessary to combat COVID-19. Democrats are also working to make higher education accessible to everyone by making two-year community college free and to make the expanded Child Tax Credit permanent so working families get a monthly tax cut. And we will continue pushing for the passage of the DREAM Act so that children who have lived here their whole lives can have security in the country they call home.
“To the Latino and Hispanic lawmakers who have dedicated their careers to improving all communities, to the activists who have fought to remind us that we still have work to do, to the soldiers who are putting their lives on the line for our own, to the healthcare workers whose bravery has saved us, and to all the workers who have kept this country strong, Democrats know our past successes are thanks to you and our future accomplishments will be because of you.” |