DNC Announces Nearly $5 Million Voter Registration Campaign

Program will prioritize outreach to communities of color in battleground states across the country

Today, the Democratic National Committee is announcing an initial investment of nearly $5 million for a program to register voters across battleground states ahead of the 2022 midterms. This is the DNC’s biggest ever commitment to voter registration in a midterm cycle and will focus specifically on outreach to communities of color. 

“While Republicans are waging an attack on Americans’ fundamental right to vote across the country, we at the DNC are not only committed to protecting that right, we are dedicated to expanding it in communities where people have been historically disenfranchised,” said DNC Chair Jaime Harrison. “The DNC’s historic voter registration program will strengthen our ground game across the battlegrounds, laying the foundation for Democrats up and down the ballot to be successful in 2021, 2022, and beyond.”

During the 2022 campaign cycle, this new voter registration program will focus on registering new voters, re-registering former voters, and sustaining contact with new registrants to encourage them to cast their ballots in the midterm elections. Examples of states in the program include but are not limited to: Arizona, Florida, Texas, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Nevada. 

This investment comes on top of the initial $20 million investment that Chair Harrison has already announced the DNC will make before the general election in 2022. It’s also in addition to a historic four-year agreement to provide $23 million to state parties as part of the DNC’s 2022 midterm strategy.

Earlier this year, Vice President Kamala Harris announced the DNC will invest a total of $25 million to expand its “I Will Vote” initiative to address and overcome efforts across the country to make voting more difficult and burdensome.
