HYPOCRISY ALERT 🚨: GOP Governors Keep Trying to Take Credit for the American Rescue Plan
December 8, 2021

We’ve heard it said before that time is a flat circle, and that’s especially true this week as we’ve seen not one, not two, but THREE different Republican governors try to claim credit for programs funded by the American Rescue Plan. It would do Republicans well to remember that it was President Biden and Democrats who stepped up and passed the American Rescue Plan when our country needed it the most, while every single Republican in Congress voted against it. As long as elected Republicans try to claim credit for funding they and every congressional Republican opposed, Democrats will be right here to hold them accountable and expose them as the hypocrites they really are. HYPOCRITE #1: In Ohio, Gov. Mike DeWine announced he was directing $250 million from the American Rescue Plan to programs for first responders, even though he made it clear he would have voted AGAINST the American Rescue Plan. Cleveland Plain Dealer: “Gov. Mike DeWine says he wouldn’t have voted for federal coronavirus stimulus package” Cleveland.com: “Gov. Mike DeWine, Ohio Republicans tout spending from Democrats’ federal coronavirus aid law opposed by GOP” WKYC: “On Monday, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine announced a proposal that would direct hundreds of millions of dollars in grant funding to law enforcement and other first-responder agencies to combat violent crime and support recovery efforts from COVID-19. … The money would come from American Rescue Plan Act funds and be awarded through grant programs operated by the Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services and the Ohio Emergency Management Agency.” HYPOCRITE #2: Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds yet AGAIN tried to take credit for American Rescue Plan funding, despite the fact that she adamantly OPPOSED the legislation. Sioux City Journal: “Gov. Kim Reynolds has made it abundantly clear she’s not happy with the $1.9 trillion pandemic relief bill that passed the U.S. House Saturday.” The Gazette: “Gov. Kim Reynolds announced Wednesday she will allocate $100 million from American Rescue Plan Act money to Iowa water infrastructure and water quality projects.” HYPOCRITE #3: And in South Dakota, Gov. Kristi Noem touted her state’s budget proposal, where increases were made possible because of increased funding from the American Rescue Plan. Argus Leader: “Much emphasis has been placed on investing in infrastructure projects, specifically with the use of American Rescue Plan Act and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law signed by Biden this fall, Noem is calling for more than a half-billion in water project spending and tens of millions more in dam and flood repairs.” South Dakota Democratic Chair Randy Seiler: “While Governor Noem might not want to admit it, South Dakota’s budget is seeing a huge boost thanks to President Biden’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). This budget allocates $850 million in ARPA funds and state revenue is up 15 percent as President Biden leads the country through a strong economic recovery.” |
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