Paul Gosar, Welcome to the Hypocrite Hall of Fame

The DNC War Room is pleased to welcome Arizona’s Paul Gosar into our American Rescue Plan Hypocrite Hall of Fame, where he will join the likes of Ron DeSantis, Kim Reynolds, and other Republicans who have shamelessly tried to take credit for funding they opposed. While Rep. Gosar might now be “pleased” that an airport in his district is receiving American Rescue Plan funds, back in March he called the legislation a “spending bonanza” that Americans should be “furious” about. 

We would extend an invitation to Rep. Gosar’s siblings to witness his Hypocrite Hall of Fame induction, but they’ve already made clear they want nothing to do with him. 

The evidence is clear: Paul Gosar is a hypocrite who is trying to take credit for a bill he vehemently opposed and used every tool at his disposal to defeat. 

Rolling Stone: “Paul Gosar Takes Credit for Covid Funding He Bashed as a ‘Democrat Spending Bonanza’”

MSNBC: “Paul Gosar seeks credit for relief funds he fought to defeat”

Roll Call’s Niels Lesniewski: “Rep. Gosar is touting federal aid from the American Rescue Plan going to help with COVID-related airport sanitization.”

NBC’s Sahil Kapur: “Rep. Paul Gosar celebrates a federal grant to an Arizona city to fight Covid under the American Rescue Plan. The congressman’s statement includes a quote from the mayor thanking him for his ‘support.’ UNMENTIONED: Gosar voted against the legislation.”

CNN’s Ryan Nobles: “Paul Gosar in Feb: Cut everything in the American Rescue Plan but $10k checks. Gosar today: ‘This funding is essential to maintaining safe and reliable air service to the community.’”

Arizona Republic’s Laurie Roberts: “Funny thing. Gosar wasn’t so pleased when the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 passed. In fact, he voted against the bill. Twice. Do you suppose he’s forgotten those votes, taken in February and March? Or that he’s just hoping the rest of us have?”

MSNBC: “It’s clear Gosar is just a two-faced politician whose self-serving hypocrisy explains, in part, why his own siblings revile him.”