Senator Marsha Blackburn Tries to Rewrite History and Undermine President Biden’s Leadership on Russia
February 24, 2022

Senator Marsha Blackburn spent her morning on Fox Business pushing the same lies about President Biden’s leadership while trying to rewrite history.
Instead of acknowledging President Biden’s leadership as he stands with our allies in the face of Russian aggression and implements strong sanctions, Senator Blackburn is praising defeated former president Donald Trump, who emboldened Russia, sided with Putin over America’s intelligence community, and undermined NATO.
Senator Blackburn has a lot of nerve praising Donald Trump’s leadership as he simultaneously praises an authoritarian who launched an unprovoked war, and after he spent four years coddling Putin.
- New York Times: “G.A.O. Report Says Trump Administration Broke Law in Withholding Ukraine Aid”
- BuzzFeed News: “Trump Told G7 Leaders That Crimea Is Russian Because Everyone Speaks Russian In Crimea”
- CNN: “Why Donald Trump can’t stop praising Vladimir Putin”
- New York Times: “As Russia attacked Ukraine, Trump again praised Putin and ridiculed Biden.”
- NPR: “Trump praises Putin as ‘savvy’ amid new escalations on Russia-Ukraine border”