Mitch McConnell Has Questions To Answer
April 26, 2022
Every day we learn more about the bottomless pit of shamelessness that is Mitch McConnell. Despite admitting Donald Trump incited a riot on the Capitol, leading to hundreds of assaults on police officers, McConnell remains committed to supporting Trump if it means MAGA Republicans will get a hold on power.
Given Mitch McConnell’s willingness to surrender to Donald Trump’s leadership instead of holding him accountable for inciting a deadly riot, we have just one question for the Senate minority leader:
How can you still promise to support Donald Trump if he runs in 2024 after admitting his behavior leading up to January 6 was impeachable?
We know talk from Mitch McConnell is cheap at this point, but here’s a reminder of what exactly he said regarding the defeated former president:
New York Times: “The president’s behavior on Jan. 6 had been utterly beyond the pale, Mr. McConnell said. ‘If this isn’t impeachable, I don’t know what is,’ he said.”
Washington Post: “‘I feel exhilarated by the fact that [Trump] finally, totally discredited himself,’ McConnell told Jonathan Martin…when asked about his feelings on the violence and the rioters.”
New York Times: “In a Fox News interview in late February 2021, Mr. McConnell was asked whether he would support Mr. Trump in 2024 if the former president again became the G.O.P. nominee for the presidency. Mr. McConnell answered: ‘Absolutely.’”
MSNBC: “The senator may have felt ‘exhilarated’ on Jan. 7 by the prospect of never having to deal with Trump again, certain that Trump’s misconduct would forever bar him polite society, but it was McConnell who helped welcome him back into the fold by saying he’d put his party’s choices above the nation’s interests.”