Editorial Boards Slam DeSantis for Turning His Back On Florida’s Children
June 21, 2022
Governor Ron DeSantis is the only governor in the country who refused to order COVID vaccines for children. Instead of helping deliver lifesaving care, DeSantis is playing politics with the well-being of Florida families, and national and local editorial boards are condemning his shameless antics.
National and local editorial boards slammed DeSantis for abandoning Florida’s children:
Washington Post Editorial Board: “Gov. Ron DeSantis abandons Florida children”
Miami Herald Editorial Board: “The combined voices of doctors, parents and a congressional panel rose up in a chorus so loud it could not be ignored, speaking for the innocent kids who were going to pay the price for the Florida GOP’s political games.”
Tampa Bay Times Editorial Board: “Is there anyone’s life Ron DeSantis won’t endanger in his anticipated run for the White House?”
Sun-Sentinel Editorial Board: “It’s an absolute disgrace for Florida to be the only one of 50 states that did not preorder Pfizer and Moderna mRNA coronavirus vaccines for children ages 6 months to 5 years, once it became apparent that federal regulators would approve and recommend them.”