BREAKING: Every Single House Republican Voted Against Lowering Costs

Every single House Republican just voted to side with Big Pharma over the American people and against lowering costs. 

That’s right: Every single House Republican opposed the Inflation Reduction Act — historic legislation that will lower costs and reduce the national deficit while making sure that middle-class families don’t pay a penny more in taxes

Here are just some of the cost-saving provisions that Republicans voted against:

This critical legislation will lower prescription drug costs for millions of Americans by allowing Medicare to directly negotiate prices. 

CNBC: “1 in 5 insulin users on Medicare has ‘catastrophic’ drug spending, Yale finds. The Inflation Reduction Act may help”

New York Times: “For the first time, Medicare would be allowed to negotiate with drugmakers on the price of prescription medicines, a proposal projected to save the federal government billions of dollars.”

Let’s not forget: Last weekend, Senate Republicans blocked a $35 cap on out-of-pocket insulin costs for Americans. 

Daily Beast: “Republicans to People With Diabetes: Drop Dead”

These extreme Republicans opposed a fiscally responsible piece of legislation that will actually reduce the deficit while ensuring middle-class families don’t pay a penny more in taxes.

New York Magazine: “Republicans Say Biden’s Plan Taxes the Middle Class. That’s False.”

New York Times: “Analysis Deems Biden’s Climate and Tax Bill Fiscally Responsible”

Let’s be clear: A majority of House Republicans just voted to choose Big Pharma over the American people because they have no plan to bring down costs. America simply cannot afford this extreme agenda.