IN THE STATES: Dems Highlight GOP Extremism

Election Day is next week and Democrats are reminding voters of the clear choice they have on Tuesday and getting out the vote across the country. President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, former President Barack Obama, and other Democrats were on the road this week to make sure voters know that on everything from reproductive freedom to Medicare and Social Security, Democrats are the only party fighting for working families.

Vice President Kamala Harris also hit local airwaves to speak directly with voters about the stakes on Election Day and to encourage them to vote early. 

A staggering 70 percent of Republicans running for Congress this cycle have either questioned or flat-out denied the results of the 2020 election — a grand total of more than 370 election deniers on the 2022 midterm ballot.

And while Democrats will continue to fight to protect programs like Social Security and Medicare, Americans aren’t happy about Republicans’ promises to cut seniors’ hard-earned benefits.