Trump Brags About NRA Endorsement

GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump loves bragging about his close relationship with the NRA — after spending four years protecting the gun lobby at every turn and rejecting every commonsense gun safety measure. 

At a campaign stop in Iowa, Trump couldn’t help himself from bragging about his endorsement from the NRA — after repeatedly caving to and protecting the gun lobby in the wake of multiple mass shootings. 

Trump: “We are very pro-Second Amendment. We have the NRA endorsement.” 

Trump has a long history of caving to the gun lobby — let’s not forget he chose to appease the NRA over taking action after the tragic Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School mass shooting. 

New York Times: “Conceding to N.R.A., Trump Abandons Brief Gun Control Promise”

New York Magazine: “President Trump met with survivors of the Parkland school shooting and attempted to convey a sincere intention to act. … What happened next was predictable. Trump met with the head of the NRA. He stopped talking about the issue he was going to solve.”

Reuters: “Under pressure from gun rights groups, President Donald Trump backed away on Monday from raising the minimum age for gun purchases from 18 to 21, one of several measures he had supported after the latest U.S. school shooting.”

In fact, Trump spent all four years of his presidency fighting for and currying favor with the NRA. 

New York Magazine: “After Taunting Republicans for Being Afraid of NRA, Trump Gives In to NRA”

Politico: “A few hours after hailing leaders at the National Rifle Association as ‘Great American Patriots,’ President Donald Trump borrowed frequent talking points from the gun lobby group during a discussion on school safety Thursday.”

Trump: “And there’s no bigger fan of the Second Amendment than me, and there’s no bigger fan of the NRA. And these guys are great patriots. They’re great people.”

As president, Trump rejected commonsense gun safety laws at every turn — including bipartisan efforts to expand background checks. 

Trump: “I do not support expanding background checks. The current background checks do not work. … They make it more difficult for law abiding citizens to acquire firearms while consistently failing to stop criminals from getting guns.”

The Hill: “The White House on Monday issued a statement warning that President Trump would veto proposed legislation to enhance background checks for gun purchases if it passes the House and Senate.”

CNN: “Donald Trump said Tuesday he supports allowing Americans to legally buy and own assault weapons. ‘You have to be because the bad guys are going to have them anyway,’ Trump told CNN’s Chris Cuomo on ‘New Day.’ ‘What happens when the bad guys have the assault weapons and you don’t in a confrontation?’”

NBC News: “Trump made it easier for the mentally ill to get guns when he rolled back Obama regulation”

And Trump had the gall to speak at the NRA convention only days after the devastating Uvalde, Texas, school shooting. 

Politico: “Former President Donald Trump on Friday addressed the National Rifle Association’s annual conference in Houston … three days after a gunman killed 19 children and two teachers at a Texas elementary school. At the outset of his nearly hourlong address to a supportive crowd, Trump took a shot at the speakers who decided to not attend the convention in the wake of Tuesday’s mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas.”