DNC on Bipartisan Budget Agreement

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison issued the following statement in response to the passage of the bipartisan budget agreement:

“When the full faith and credit of the United States was on the line, President Biden answered the call and delivered a historic bipartisan budget agreement for the American people.

“In a testament to his experience and leadership, President Biden successfully negotiated a deal that protected key priorities and the historic economic gains we have made over the last two years. This agreement protects the health care of millions of Americans, strengthens our economic recovery, prevents cruel cuts to the programs that millions of American families rely on, and fully funds medical care for veterans. 

“President Biden was elected in part because of his ability to work across the aisle and get things done for the American people, and, once again, he delivered. He did his job to ensure America avoids an unprecedented default that could have led to a recession, millions of jobs lost, devastated retirement accounts, and higher borrowing costs for American families. 

“While these negotiations made clear that MAGA Republicans will stop at nothing – including holding our economy hostage – to enact their unpopular and dangerous agenda, the American people also now see that President Biden and Democrats will continue to find a way forward and never stop working to deliver for them.”