DNC on Immigrant Heritage Month

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison, DNC AAPI Caucus Chair Bel Leong-Hong, DNC Black Caucus Chair Virgie M. Rollins, DNC Ethnic Council Chair Dr. James Zogby, and DNC Hispanic Caucus Chair Iris Martinez issued the following statement marking the start of Immigrant Heritage Month:

“This Immigrant Heritage Month, we celebrate the fact that we are a nation of immigrants. We celebrate the rich diversity of our immigrant communities and honor the countless contributions immigrants have made throughout the history of our nation. From the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic to the small businesses powering our communities; from our farmlands to our wetlands, from the ocean to the mountains, all across America, we recognize immigrants who have demonstrated the very best of what America has to offer. Our country is stronger and more vibrant because of the immigrants who have chosen to call America home. 

“While this month is a time for celebration, we must also not lose sight of the work that still lies ahead. For far too many immigrant families, the scourge of discrimination and xenophobia is still too real. The Biden-Harris administration and the Democratic Party remain committed to building a country where all communities, regardless of their background, are able to enjoy the promise of the American Dream.”