DNC Statement on Supreme Court’s Ruling in Allen v. Milligan

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison and DNC Black Caucus Chair Virgie M. Rollins released the following joint statement in response to the Supreme Court’s ruling in Allen v. Milligan:

“Today’s ruling is a victory for voting rights and our democracy. By upholding Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, the Supreme Court sent a clear message to Republican state legislatures that have attempted to suppress minority voices, and the votes of Black Americans in particular – voters pick their elected officials, not the other way around, and should not be discriminated against because of their race.

“Democrats know that our democracy is at its strongest when all eligible voters are able to make their voices heard. While we celebrate today, we also know that the work is not done as extremist politicians have dedicated themselves to undermining our democracy by making it harder for certain groups to vote. Democrats will never stop raising good trouble to protect voting rights and ensure everyone, no matter where they live or what party they belong to, is able to freely exercise their sacred right to vote.”