WATCH: DNC and NCDP Chairs Slam Trump, DeSantis Ahead of Trips to North Carolina and Georgia 

Today, Democratic National Committee Chair Jaime Harrison and North Carolina Democratic Party Chair Anderson Clayton held a press call highlighting just how extreme Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis are as they travel to North Carolina and Georgia this weekend.

During the call, Chair Harrison and Chair Clayton highlighted MAGA Republicans’ extreme agenda of banning abortion, cutting Social Security and Medicare, siding with the gun lobby over the safety of our communities, and ripping away freedoms from Americans.


Read highlights from the press call below:

  • “No matter who wins the Republican primary, it is absolutely clear that another MAGA presidency would be a disaster for folks in Georgia, for folks in North Carolina, and across the entire country,” said DNC Chair Jaime Harrison. “The American people have repeatedly rejected this extreme agenda and they’re going to do it again in 2024 – regardless of who the GOP nominee is. So we have to send Joe Biden and Kamala Harris back to the White House because they have to finish the job of delivering historic results for the American people.”
  • “Though it seems like more and more MAGA candidates throw their hat in the ring for the 2024 election cycle every minute, we know that it’s a race for the bottom. Every GOP candidate is running to implement the same anti-freedom platform,” said North Carolina Democratic Party Chair Anderson Clayton. “No matter who comes out on top of the GOP primary – any one of them would be a disaster for North Carolinians and a disaster for this country. And we’re going to do everything in our power to organize against Republican extremism across all 100 counties in North Carolina, taking our vision everywhere.”
  • “While Trump talks a big game about infrastructure week, he left our state empty and empty handed, honestly, as roads and bridges and broadband networks were crumbling. And President Biden has actually delivered, putting infrastructure money back in the hands of communities that desperately need it the most. President Biden’s bipartisan infrastructure law delivered $5 billion to rebuild our transportation systems and get clean water and affordable internet access to households that desperately need it right now,” said North Carolina Democratic Party Chair Anderson Clayton. “Trump didn’t just fail to deliver for us. His extreme agenda set the precedent for Republicans across the country to rip away our human rights. The extreme abortion ban that passed by the North Carolina General Assembly, the Republican-led General Assembly, wouldn’t even be possible without Donald Trump appointing three United States Supreme Court justices who voted to overturn Roe v. Wade, and he has had the audacity to brag about it.”