DNC Statement on Supreme Court’s Ruling in Moore v. Harper

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison released the following statement in response to the Supreme Court’s ruling in Moore v. Harper: 

“After ruling against an extreme racial gerrymander in Alabama, the Supreme Court preserved the role of state courts in our democracy and rejected the radical independent state legislature theory, which could have upended our elections by giving partisan state lawmakers a free pass to create unfair electoral maps and appoint presidential electors. 

“A central tenet of our democracy is that voters pick their elected representatives, not the other way around. This decision reaffirms this principle and shows MAGA Republicans that they will not get away with trying to suppress the power of voters living in their states.

“While these victories are critical steps forward in protecting our right to vote, we know that there is still so much more that needs to be done until every voter can freely participate in our democracy. As MAGA Republican-led state legislatures continue to introduce laws that make it harder to vote, we remain steadfast in our call to Congress to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom To Vote Act, which would help secure the right to vote in every state across the country.”