Mitch McConnell: GOP Shutdown Could Cost Americans Billions of Dollars And Worsen Border Security

Mitch McConnell once again lit up Kevin McCarthy and the House GOP for inching closer to a Republican shutdown, admitting that their extreme partisan demands and chaos could harm our economy.

Mitch McConnell warned against the devastating cost of a Republican shutdown that is now less than three days away. 

McConnell: “Shutting down the government is not like pressing pause. It’s not an interlude that lets us pick up where we left off. It’s an actively harmful proposition. Instead of producing any meaningful policy outcomes, it would actually take the important progress being made on a number of key issues and drag it backwards.”

Ryan Struyk, CNN: MCCONNELL: “Shutting down the government is a choice. And it’s a choice that would make the crisis at our southern border even worse.”

Burgess Everett, Politico: “For the third straight day, McConnell is railing against a shutdown … Citing Senate research, says government shutdowns cost billions of dollars”

McConnell admitted yesterday that MAGA House Republicans taking us to the brink of a shutdown are jeopardizing funding for Customs and Border Protection. 

McConnell: “A vote against a standard short-term funding measure is a vote against paying over $1 billion in salary for Border Patrol and ICE agents working to track down lethal fentanyl and tame our open borders.”

MAGA House GOP’s extreme proposed budget would cut funding to annual levels that would result in 800 fewer CBP agents and officers.

The White House: “What would it mean for the American people if House Republicans’ proposed 8% cuts were extended for the entire year?”

“800 fewer Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents and officers”

“50,000 pounds of cocaine, more than 300 pounds of fentanyl, more than 700 pounds of heroin, and more than 6,000 pounds of methamphetamine let into our country due to cuts to CBP”

A Republican shutdown would be a disaster for our economy and national security.

ABC News: “Military families brace for loss of paycheck, services under a government shutdown”

Reuters: “Biden, US officials warn of hunger for millions in a government shutdown”

New York Times: “Biden Administration Warns That Government Shutdown Could Disrupt Air Travel”

Washington Post: “FEMA delays $2.8 billion in disaster aid to keep from running out of money”
Washington Post: “A government shutdown could wreak havoc on many federally funded programs if lawmakers cannot negotiate a spending deal by the Saturday deadline, including potential disruptions to some services provided by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.”