Tim Scott Missed Senate Vote on Israel To Schmooze With Wall Street Executives 

In response to Tim Scott skipping today’s Senate resolution expressing support for Israel, DNC spokesperson Sarafina Chitika released the following statement:

“While the Senate voted unanimously to express support for our ally in the wake of the deadly terrorist attacks, Tim Scott was busy trying to save his floundering campaign at a high-dollar fundraising lunch with Wall Street executives. For all his talk about standing with Israel, Scott’s absence speaks louder than his words.” 

Tim Scott skipped today’s vote on a resolution in the Senate to stand with Israel to hit the campaign trail and fundraise with Wall Street executives.

The Hill: “The Senate voted unanimously Thursday afternoon, 97-0, in favor of a resolution stating the Senate stands firmly with Israel and firmly against Hamas.”

Not voting: Tim Scott

Bloomberg: “A group of prominent attorneys and Wall Street executives will host a fundraiser in New York next month for US Senator Tim Scott … The lunch, scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 19 in midtown Manhattan, will be hosted by One Equity Partners LLC’s Chip Schorr, Sabin Metal Corp. owner Andrew Sabin, Brown-Forman Corp.’s Matt Hamel and Eric Levine of Eiseman Levine Lehrhaupt & Kakoyiannis, P.C.”

Scott also skipped a vote in July on the National Defense Authorization Act, which included vital security funding for Israel.

USA Today: “South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott missed a crucial vote Thursday evening on passing the National Defense Authorization Act because he was campaigning for president in Iowa.”

The FY24 NDAA passed out of the Senate provided funding for a variety of Israeli security measures, including the Iron Dome and cooperative missile defense.