DNC Statement on President Biden’s Oval Address

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison released the following statement after President Biden called on Congress to pass critical funding for Ukraine and Israel: 

“From traveling to Israel and meeting with survivors and first responders to leading the global charge in defense of Ukraine, President Biden has shown the world the importance of resolute leadership and moral clarity. But while President Biden has unequivocally stood with Israel and Ukraine, House Republicans have shown their complete incompetence and thrown the House of Representatives into chaos — potentially putting critical aid to support our allies and protect our national security at risk. Millions of people are counting on us to act. We cannot abandon our allies; we cannot appease the terrorists and tyrants threatening democracies around the world. Enough of the brinkmanship; enough of the chaos. It is time to put the petty partisanship aside, come together, and carry out our responsibilities as a nation.”