MAGA Republicans Float Pulling Out of NATO

Republicans running for president are entertaining the policy agenda of pulling the United States out of NATO. As Donald Trump leads the MAGA charge to recklessly abandon our allies and side with Vladimir Putin, which would undermine America’s strength on the global stage and threaten our national security, 2024 Republicans are falling in line to out-MAGA each other on foreign policy even as the world — and especially our allies — look to the United States for strong and steady leadership.  

Trump has been hellbent on pulling the United States out of NATO for years — just one example of an unhinged foreign policy agenda that could put  America and its allies in danger. 

Rolling Stone: “​​Trump Plots to Pull Out of NATO — If He Doesn’t Get His Way”

Rolling Stone: “Donald Trump wanted to pull the United States out of NATO during his first term, but was repeatedly talked out of it by senior administration officials. For a possible second term in the White House, the 2024 Republican presidential frontrunner is already discussing how he could actually get it done, if his demands aren’t met by NATO.”

Ramaswamy, whose reckless foreign policy agenda demonstrates how he never knows what he’s talking about, was open to Trump’s call to pull the United States out of NATO. 

Politico: “One of the better-polling Republican presidential candidates said on Monday that withdrawing the U.S. from NATO was a ‘reasonable idea’ and that he was ‘reevaluating’ whether America should remain a member of the United Nations.

“POLITICO asked Vivek Ramaswamy, the entrepreneur polling fourth nationally and in Iowa, about a Rolling Stone article detailing how the GOP frontrunner, former President Donald Trump, was open to taking the U.S. out of the transatlantic military alliance.”