REMINDER: Haley Embraces and Promotes Election Deniers

In response to Nikki Haley’s history of embracing election deniers, DNC National Press Secretary Sarafina Chitika released the following statement:

“Nikki Haley said she was proud of Donald Trump’s divisive presidency just days after the January 6 attack on our Capitol – and she has stood by Trump and other MAGA extremists ever since. Haley will do anything to compete in the race for the MAGA base, including embrace, uplift, and campaign for election deniers who continue to put our democracy in danger. America wants a president who can unite the country and protect our democratic institutions, not someone so desperate for higher office they’d cling to any failed conspiracy-backing election denier to try and get there.”

Haley campaigned with MAGA Republicans who have worked to undermine our democracy — even after saying she would not support candidates who endorsed Trump’s efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election — and her first congressional endorser and New Hampshire campaign chair are both notorious election deniers.

Haley in October 2022: “Everybody that I’m helping acknowledges the fact that the elections, you know, were real.”

Washington Post: “[Haley] has endorsed and campaigned with a slate of Senate candidates who reject or question the 2020 election results as she positions herself as a potential 2024 presidential candidate. Haley appeared at a rally Tuesday with Don Bolduc of New Hampshire, who insisted Trump won the election and that President Biden was illegitimate … She also campaigned with Adam Laxalt of Nevada, who led the Trump campaign’s efforts to overturn the results in that state. And she endorsed Ted Budd of North Carolina, who as a congressman voted against certifying the electoral college results on Jan. 6, 2021.”

“In addition to Bolduc, Laxalt, and Budd, Haley has also endorsed Sen. Mike Lee of Utah, who worked to keep Trump in office after the election, according to text messages obtained by the House committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol.”

Deseret News: “Nikki Haley adds controversial former U.S. Senate candidate to campaign team”

“Don Bolduc, a retired Army general and former U.S. Senate candidate, is the new chair for Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley’s New Hampshire campaign, the Haley campaign announced Tuesday morning. Bolduc made national headlines during his 2022 Senate campaign … for his controversial views on COVID-19 and the 2020 election.”

Boston Globe: “Nikki Haley teams up with Don Bolduc for N.H. town halls”

Fox News: “Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley has secured the endorsement of a top Trump ally, House Freedom Caucus member Rep. Ralph Norman. … His support comes despite former President Donald Trump’s endorsement of his re-election the 2022 midterm elections and also after Norman did not vote to certify the 2020 election, in a nod to his loyalty to Trump.”

Business Insider: “Following the January 6, 2021 assault on the US Capitol, and just three days before President Joe Biden’s inauguration, Norman texted then-White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and urged him to declare martial law — which would entail suspending the laws of the United States and imposing order through the military.”

Last week, Haley had the audacity to release an ad with election denier Don Bolduc on the day before the January 6 insurrection.

Playbook: “NIKKI HALEY is going up with a new ad in New Hampshire featuring DON BOLDUC, the former Army general and failed 2020 and 2022 GOP Senate candidate in the state, who embraced Trump in his second run.” 

Bolduc, justifying his endorsement of Nikki Haley: “I’m MAGA all the way.”

Bolduc exhausted every effort to deny the results of the 2020 election — which Trump lost by over 7 million votes — and continues to peddle the baseless conspiracy theories that led to the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. 

Bolduc: “I signed a letter with 120 other generals and admirals saying that Trump won the election, and damn it, I stand by [it]. … I’m not switching horses, baby. This is it.”

Bolduc: “I will tell you that I signed a letter with 124 admirals and generals that stipulated, I believed, that the election had fraud and that I concurred with President Trump’s assessment of it. And I do not change my mind on that.”

CNN: “New Hampshire Senate candidate Don Bolduc won the Republican nomination on Tuesday after months campaigning on false claims that the 2020 election was stolen from former President Donald Trump.”

“[Bolduc] has long been an exponent of Trump’s lies. In an interview with the New Yorker published in October 2021, he defended his decision to sign on to the letter that said Trump was the 2020 winner and insisted that his rigged election and fraud claims were sincere. ‘I very much believe it and I think it exists, and I think it happens and it’s been happening for a long time in this country. When you try to steal the Presidency, a lot of people are going to go, ‘OK, wait a minute. What the hell’s going on here?,’ Bolduc said at the time.”

Washington Examiner: “ Bolduc, a retired U.S. Army brigadier general, has equivocated on whether he stands by the results of the 2020 election, claiming before he became the Republican nominee for Senate in New Hampshire that the contest was stolen from former President Donald Trump.”

Haley’s top New Hampshire endorser Chris Sununu also endorsed Bolduc in 2022 despite his election denialism — even after Sununu had previously called Bolduc a “conspiracy theorist-type candidate.”

Seacoast Current: “Gov. Chris Sununu, who denounced Republican U.S. Senate candidate Don Bolduc as a ‘conspiracy theorist-type candidate’ recently referred to him as an ‘amazing individual,’ in a Fox News interview.”