Ahead of Primary, Michigan Republicans’ MAGA-Fueled Dumpster Fire Rages On

In response to the Michigan GOP’s never-ending chaos and disarray, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement: 

“The Michigan GOP is reeling from never-ending chaos, financial struggles, and a string of election losses – so it’s no surprise Donald Trump is involved. As Trump takes part in a nominating process full of confusion and turmoil, the Michigan GOP continues to completely embrace Trump and his extreme MAGA agenda while facing bankruptcy and a fierce leadership battle that has completely derailed the party. The only thing Michigan Republicans are on track to accomplish in 2024 is to once again lose the state this November.”

Ahead of the state’s primary, the Michigan GOP is in complete structural chaos and disarray.

CNN: “‘Incompetent dumpster fire’: Michigan GOP rocked by financial turmoil and infighting”

“Kristina Karamo – a former community college professor with limited political experience – became the head of the state party in February after pushing far-right election conspiracy theories and promising to end the party’s reliance on traditional wealthy donors. Now, some of the pro-Trump party members who voted Karamo into office have soured on her leadership and accuse her administration of working to destroy the party by failing to fundraise and sparking division among the party rank-and-file.”

New York Times: “Michigan’s G.O.P. Nominating Process Appears Headed For Chaos”

“A fight for control of the G.O.P. in the crucial battleground state plunged Republicans there deeper into a political maelstrom, with rival factions potentially barreling toward hosting dueling nominating conventions. As if things weren’t already confusing.”

The Guardian: “Right now, two warring factions have scheduled their own meetings, and it’s not totally clear which meeting’s delegates will count towards the presidential nomination.”

Associated Press: “Michigan Republicans plan dueling conventions for presidential nomination as turmoil continues”

The Detroit News: “Some of the meetings were marked by feuding, shouting and the presence of police. At the convention in Genesee County, a group whose members dubbed themselves the ‘MAGA Midnight Riders’ attempted to take over. In Oakland County, Kristina Karamo, whom some Republicans believe is still chairwoman of the Michigan GOP, was both applauded and heckled. At one point, Karamo could be heard telling one critic to ‘quit the alcohol.’”

Associated Press: “Dueling pro-Trump factions in Michigan throw the swing state’s Republicans into disarray”

“The party’s finances are so dire that Karamo has sued former party leaders so she can get permission to sell the organization’s headquarters. And she’s refusing to leave her post even as former President Donald Trump and national Republicans have installed a new ally in her place.”

Michigan Republicans’ problems began when Trump was elected — and they haven’t known peace ever since. 

MLive: “Michigan Republican Party blames election losses on Tudor Dixon, Trump”

Mother Jones: “Radicals Took Over the Michigan GOP. Now They Can’t Stop Losing.”

“Just seven years ago, Donald Trump became the first Republican presidential candidate to win Michigan since George H.W. Bush. But as the state GOP moved further and further to the right, Democrats capitalized on the extremism to string together major victories in 2018, 2020, and 2022, when they took full control of the state government for the first time in four decades. In the wake of this rout, the GOP has doubled down.”

“The Michigan GOP ended up having its worst performance in decades. DePerno, Dixon, and Karamo lost by 9, 11, and 14 points, respectively. Democrats took back the state House for the first time in more than a decade and gained control of the state Senate for the first time since 1983. On top of that, Trump-backed congressional candidate John Gibbs lost his bid for a seat by 13 points after successfully primarying freshman GOP Rep. Peter Meijer, who had voted to impeach Trump and belongs to one of Michigan’s wealthiest families.”

Associated Press: “Michigan’s attorney general filed felony charges Tuesday against 16 Republicans who acted as fake electors for then-President Donald Trump in 2020, accusing them of submitting false certificates that confirmed they were legitimate electors despite Joe Biden’s victory in the state.”

New Michigan GOP chair Pete Hoekstra, another Trump-aligned MAGA extremist, is still fighting to take over the party entering 2024 with its weakest operation yet – all because of Trump.

Bridge Michigan: “Donald Trump on Friday recognized Pete Hoekstra as chair of the Michigan Republican Party, throwing his political weight behind the former ambassador amid an ongoing leadership dispute.” 

“Hoekstra will ‘make The Republican Party of Michigan GREAT AGAIN, and has my Complete and Total Endorsement to be its Chairman,’ Trump wrote on his social media site, Truth Social.”

Roll Call: “Hoekstra was a consistent opponent of LGBT rights in Congress, earning a zero rating from the Human Rights Campaign for each Congress in which he served, except for one, in which he earned a 10 percent score. He has co-sponsored several bills to restrict gay rights related to marriage and adoption. … Hoekstra has consistently opposed legal abortion, earning a zero score from the pro-choice group NARAL. … Hoekstra has been an outspoken critic of Muslims in the U.S. and world.”