MAGA in the States: Trump’s MAGA Minions Fall into Chaos Nationwide   

Donald Trump and his MAGA minions are doubling down on their extreme, dangerous agenda. From regurgitating outrageous election conspiracy theories to succumbing to internal chaos, the desperation of MAGA Republicans proves that as long as Donald Trump leads the party, his MAGA minions will never choose the American people over their extremist leader.

Take a look at the latest:

GOP chaos is on full display across the states as MAGA Republicans compete in a race towards extremism to prove their loyalty to Trump’s toxic agenda.

Atlanta Journal-Constitution: “The Georgia GOP’s embrace of Trump hasn’t stopped internal feuding”

“Ultraconservative activists are renewing an effort to prevent GOP ‘traitors’ who aren’t Trump loyalists from running for local offices, determined to root the movement in deep-red rural counties where Democrats stand little chance of winning.” […]

“And the activists who gather Friday to select delegates to the Republican National Convention will also cast votes on candidates for coveted party posts who have centered their campaigns on disproven election fraud conspiracies.”

Washington Post: “State Republican parties are going rogue”

“Far-right activists are taking control and attempting to root out traditional or centrist Republicans in order to nominate more like-minded candidates, regardless of their electoral chances in a general election.” […]  

“State parties were once extensions of the national party, working together toward a common goal of electing the strongest Republican candidates. But that has changed in the era of Trump and the GOP’s painful identity crisis. Elements of the right are now more interested in far-right purity than electability. 

“Eric Underwood, head of the Nebraska GOP since 2022, has purged the state party and inserted Trump loyalists. One of the Nebraska GOP’s committee chairs, Fanchon Blythe, who is also a member of the RNC, is an election denier who posted a picture on her Facebook page with Jacob Angeli-Chansley, better known by his nickname ‘the QAnon Shaman,’ in December. Months earlier, Angeli-Chansley completed a two-year jail sentence for his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. Neither Underwood nor Blythe responded to requests for comment or interviews. 

“But it’s not just Bacon. The state GOP is not endorsing Sen. Deb Fischer, who is running for her third term. And it’s backing the challenger to Sen. Pete Ricketts, who is running to finish the term to which he was appointed last year to when Republican Ben Sasse resigned.”

Atlanta Journal-Constitution: “PG A.M.: Internal feuds flare ahead of Georgia GOP annual convention”

“The latest came Friday when party activists voted to strip first vice chair Brian Pritchard of his leadership post after a judge ruled he voted illegally nine times while serving probation for a felony check forgery sentence.

“Though the vote was overwhelming, Pritchard framed himself as a political martyr and complained that party leaders ‘marched’ him out of the meeting after he lost the vote. He still plans to attend the convention on Friday.

“McKoon said Pritchard was escorted out after he tried to hold an unauthorized news conference outside the meeting with an unnamed ally who was ‘trespassing on private property.’”

Across states, MAGA Republicans are playing follow the leader, doubling down on Trump’s anti-democratic example by promoting election conspiracies.

New York Times: “Will You Accept the Election Results? Republicans Dodge the Question.”

“Mr. Scott evaded eight different attempts by Kristen Welker, the moderator of ‘Meet the Press,’ to pin him down on whether he would accept the results of the next contest, no matter who won.” […]

“Ms. Stefanik, the highest-ranking woman in House Republican leadership and another potential running mate of Mr. Trump’s, has committed to accepting results ‘if they’re constitutional.’” […]

“Mr. Donalds, a Florida Republican on Mr. Trump’s list of potential running mates, said in an interview on Friday that he would accept the results of the 2024 election if he thought the contest was fair.” […]

“Mr. Vance, an Ohio Republican believed to be on Mr. Trump’s vice-presidential short list, did not respond to a request about whether he would accept the 2024 results. But he has said that, unlike Vice President Mike Pence in 2020, he would have helped Mr. Trump overturn the results, by accepting Trump electors that had not been elected by voters.”

The Hill: “Kari Lake says she’s not ‘all that confident’ the 2024 election will be fair”

“Lake said in a Fox News ‘Sunday Morning Futures’ interview with Maria Bartiromo that she strongly opposed efforts to encourage voter registration when people sign up for Medicare and Medicaid, claiming the process could be part of a conspiracy to generate fraudulent votes.” […]

“When asked how she felt about the 2024 election, she said she ‘wouldn’t be all that confident’ in a fair outcome.

“The rhetoric hearkens back to her failed 2022 Arizona gubernatorial campaign, in which she consistently repeated false claims that the 2020 election was stolen. She also denied her own election loss after she was defeated by Gov. Katie Hobbs (D).”

Meanwhile, thanks to Trump, the GOP’s on-the-ground operations are nonexistent and their state parties are in a cash crunch. 

The Copper Courier: “Gallego, Biden engage Arizona Latinos in person while Republican outreach offices are still closed”

“After spending an entire year promoting its Hispanic Community Centers as a way to build a long-term oasis for disgruntled Latino voters, financial records from the Federal Elections Commission show that the Arizona centers were open for only a few months in the fall of 2022. Republican leaders began to promote the centers as early as September 2021—and as recently as March 2024, Republican National Committee Chair Laura Trump claimed the outreach centers were still operational.

“‘Actually, we are keeping those all open, I can report that today,’ Trump said on Fox News.” […]

“But at the time of Trump’s claim, The Copper Courier confirmed that neither the Republican Hispanic Community Center in south Phoenix or Tucson is open—and, in fact, neither has been leased since the week before the November 2022 General Election.” […]

“Latinos make up one-third of Arizona’s population, and make up a quarter of the state’s registered voters—a voting bloc Republicans have vocally been eager to win over, although their efforts appear to be more smoke and mirrors than tangible results.” […]

“While Democrats are utilizing boxing gyms and restaurants as avenues to meet Latino voters where they are within their communities, Republican spaces hailed as a way to elicit similar outreach appear to be virtually nonexistent.”

MSNBC: “Trump’s legal troubles are drowning state Republicans in a financial flood of their own making”

“A growing number of state Republican operations are either broke or perilously close to it. Last year, the Minnesota Republican Party reported having only $53 in the bank and over $330,000 in debt. In January, Michigan’s Republicans faced bankruptcy amid a brutal MAGA leadership fight. So much for being the party of fiscal responsibility.” […]

“Republicans can thank Donald Trump for their current financial problems. Trump’s deal with the RNC requires the party to run its donations first through his Save America PAC — which already paid over $50 million toward Trump’s personal legal fees in 2023 alone. That was before RNC co-chair Lara Trump mused about skipping the middleman making the GOP pay Trump’s legal bills directly.”

Thanks to Donald Trump and his MAGA minions, women continue to suffer after Trump laid the groundwork for extreme anti-abortion bans across the states.

NBC News: “More than half of Black women ages 15-49 live with little to no abortion access”

“According to the report, 57% of Black women ages 15 to 49 (which the organizations consider reproductive age) live in states with bans or threats to abortion access, which have increased in the two years since the Supreme Court overturned the landmark Roe v. Wade decision.” […]

“About 43% of Black women of childbearing age living in states with abortion restrictions or where abortion is under threat are in Texas, Florida and Georgia, three states with some of the toughest laws, according to the report.

“That tracks considering Southern states make up a majority of states with abortion restrictions, and most of the nation’s Black population is concentrated in the South.” […] 

“Nearly 50% of Black women ages 18 to 44 living in states that restrict abortion have spent the last two years since the Supreme Court’s decision weighing difficult options and asking tough questions, according to the report: ‘Will I live through childbirth if I get pregnant?’ ‘Will I be arrested if I miscarry or need an abortion?’ ‘Should I give up on having children altogether?’”

The Hill: “Louisiana moves to criminalize possession of abortion pills”

“Louisiana could soon become the first state to criminalize possession without a prescription of mifepristone and misoprostol, the two drugs used to induce a medicated abortion.  

“The move opens a new front in the fight over abortion pills and could threaten to further restrict access in a state that bans almost all abortions.  

“It’s the latest attempt by anti-abortion politicians in Louisiana to control access to one of the most common methods of abortion in the country. It comes as the Supreme Court is deliberating a case from anti-abortion doctors seeking to limit access to mifepristone.”