Vermont GOP Fawns Over Trump’s Crony While Voters Reject MAGA Extremism

Ahead of Vermont’s GOP rolling out the red carpet for Trump’s anti-abortion minion, DNC spokesperson Addy Toevs released the following statement:  

“In their primary, Vermont voters decidedly rejected Donald Trump’s extreme MAGA agenda when they voted for Nikki Haley by a four point margin. These voters know that Trump represents dangerous extremism, but the Vermont Republican Party is bringing Trump loyalist Doug Burgum to their convention as a keynote speaker anyway. Burgum, like Trump, supports draconian bans on abortion, has cast doubt on the 2020 election, and called President Biden’s administration a ‘dictatorship.’ Vermont voters, like voters across the country, are sick of MAGA extremism being pushed down their throats. If Republican Party leaders haven’t gotten a clue by now, they will in November.” 

Vermonters soundly rejected Donald Trump in their primary, but the state GOP isn’t listening. 

Seven Days: “With 92 percent of towns reporting, Haley led Trump by more than 4 percent. Trump had earned roughly 45 percent of votes. … Vermont was seen as particularly friendly to Haley, who has struggled to seriously challenge the former president in primaries across the country. She stumped here in recent days alongside anti-Trump Republican Gov. Phil Scott. At a rally on Sunday in South Burlington, Scott described Trump as divisive and Haley called him ‘unhinged.’”

WAMC: “On Saturday, the Vermont Republican Party will hold its spring convention. Governor Scott will appear as a keynote speaker alongside North Dakota Governor and former presidential candidate Doug Burgum.

“Earlier this week, Vermont Democratic Party Executive Director Jim Dandeneau criticized Scott and said he is moving away from his moderate philosophy by deciding to appear beside Governor Burgum.

“‘He is turning to his base in the Republican Party for support,’ Dandeneau said. ‘He is planning on speaking alongside retrograde abortion opponent and anti-trans bigot Doug Burgum at the state Republican convention on Saturday.’”

Doug Burgum is an extreme anti-abortion MAGA Republican who doesn’t speak for Vermonters.

New York Times: “North Dakota became the latest state on Monday to enact a near-total ban on abortion, just one month after the State Supreme Court temporarily blocked a similar ban from taking effect. Under the new law, an abortion in the case of rape or incest would be permissible only in the first six weeks of pregnancy, a time when most women have not yet realized they are pregnant.”