Minnesota GOP Falls Apart As They Fall in Line with Trump’s Extremism at State Convention

Following the Minnesota GOP bending the knee to Donald Trump and his extreme, anti-freedom agenda at their state convention, DNC spokesperson Stephanie Justice released the following statement:

“By inviting Donald Trump to headline their state convention, Minnesota GOP leaders demonstrated once again that they are spineless supporters of Trump and his dangerous agenda to dismantle democracy and rip away Minnesotans’ freedoms. As the Minnesota GOP continues an embarrassing losing streak statewide and struggles to keep infighting at bay, they’re only digging themselves into a deeper hole by continuing to bow down to Trump. Minnesotans have rejected Trump and the GOP time and time again, and they’ll rebuff them once more in November.”

The Minnesota GOP simply cannot rein in infighting with the MAGA takeover of its party – proving that it’s far too disjointed to make headway in the electorate.

Star Tribune: “Even when control of the Legislature was at stake, Minnesota Republicans could not stop fighting each other.”

Minnesota Reformer: “A contingent of right-wing Republicans wants to remove the leaders of the Minnesota Republican Party, including Chair David Hann, at the Dec. 9 meeting of the State Central Committee.


“The insurgent group claims Hann failed to responsibly manage GOP resources and maximize support for 2022 candidates, contributing to a dismal election for Republicans in which Democrats won a trifecta.

The Minnesota GOP is still reeling from a humiliating statewide losing streak and devastating 2022 election results.

Minnesota Reformer: “Minnesota Republicans haven’t won a statewide race since 2006, and thus far they have failed to recruit a serious 2024 challenger against U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar — likely because candidates don’t want to play the part of the sacrificial lamb.” 

CBS: “But Republicans not only lost the governor and secretary of state races, they also lost two races they thought they could win: the attorney general’s race and the race for state auditor.

“Even worse, Republicans lost control of the Minnesota Senate, giving the DFL a rare trifecta — control of both houses of the legislature and the governor’s Office.”