Donald Trump Promises MAGA Billionaire Backers Tax Breaks While Leaving Working Texans Behind 

In response to Donald Trump’s visit to Dallas and Houston, DNC spokesperson Cameron Niven released the following statement: 

“The only Texans Donald Trump is fighting for are the ultra-rich – like the ones he’s here to see – not working families. During his first term, Trump gave handouts to the ultra-wealthy and largest corporations while he attacked Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid at the expense of working families. Texas received historic investments thanks to President Biden. Now, Donald Trump is campaigning on rolling back President Biden’s legislation that is investing billions of dollars into Texas’ economy – while promising handouts to his rich donors. While Trump tries to rig the economy against working families, President Biden is fighting to lower costs, create high-paying jobs and ensure billionaires pay their fair share.” 

Donald Trump wants to roll back President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act – putting at risk billions of dollars of investments in Texas. 

MIT Technology Review: “Trump wants to unravel Biden’s landmark climate law. Here is what’s most at risk.”

The Hill: “Democrats’ sweeping Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has fueled significant progress in the fight against climate change since its passage in 2022. But if former President Trump wins back the presidency in November, he’s likely to undermine those gains — or help a Republican Congress do away with the law entirely.”

ABC News: “Under President Biden, Texas has received about $120 billion in private sector investment in manufacturing, as well as $30 billion in public infrastructure and clean energy investment, White House data shows.” 

Forbes: “Texas, which would reap the largest economic rewards from IRA provisions with 100,000 new jobs and $15 billion in new GDP by 2030, also faces some of the country’s harshest climate change impacts. The state ranks second in the U.S. for wildfire risk, has already warmed 2.2 degrees Fahrenheit, and 62% of its counties were in ‘extreme drought’ last year.”

Bloomberg: “Texas, the top producer of wind energy, is expected to draw $66.5 billion in investments, the most of all states, according to the White House’s estimates.”

Newsweek: “Texas and other Republican states that benefit disproportionately from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) would lose billions of dollars of investment in their economy were Donald Trump to be re-elected in November and seek to repeal the landmark Biden administration deal.”

Houston Chronicle: “Over the next eight years, Texas is expected to see $66.5 billion in investment through the legislation, expanding wind and solar energy, advanced batteries and other sources of clean electricity — more than California, New York or Florida.”

Texas Tribune: “The White House estimates that Texas will receive about $35.44 billion over five years for roads, bridges, pipes, ports, broadband access and other projects after federal lawmakers passed a long-anticipated national infrastructure bill on Friday.”

Trump has vowed to make his extreme tax scam permanent, which would give handouts to the wealthiest .01 percent of Americans while leaving working Texans behind. 

Americans For Tax Fairness: “Billionaires Are $2.2 Trillion Richer Since 2017 Trump-GOP Tax Law”

CBS News: “Two years after Trump tax cuts, middle-class Americans are falling behind”

The Guardian: “They were billed as a ‘middle-class miracle’ but according to a new book Donald Trump’s $1.5tn tax cuts have helped billionaires pay a lower rate than the working class for the first time in history.”

Forbes: “Trump Tax Cuts Helped Billionaires Pay Less Taxes Than The Working Class In 2018”

Economic Policy Institute: “The TCJA overwhelmingly benefited the rich and corporations while overlooking working families”

ProPublica: “In the first year after Trump signed the legislation, just 82 ultrawealthy households collectively walked away with more than $1 billion in total savings, an analysis of confidential tax records shows.”

Trump has already doubled down on his promise to make permanent and extend his disastrous tax giveaways for the ultra-wealthy.

Trump: “I will never let the Trump tax cuts … I will never let them be taken away.”

Trump: “You’re all people that have a lot of money … You’re rich as hell … We’re gonna give you tax cuts.”

Trump on whether his second term tax policies would echo those of his first term: “Yes, and I’d do even more taxes.”

Vanity Fair: “Donald Trump Wants to Give His Favorite Corporations Another Giant Tax Cut in a Second Term: Report”

From delivering accessible health care to student loan relief, President Biden is fighting for Texans. 

Texas Tribune: “More Texans than ever have signed up for cheap or free health care coverage through the Affordable Care Act, with more than 1 in 9 residents covered under government-subsidized health plans for 2024, according to federal health data released on Wednesday.”

Axios: “[ACA] Enrollment in Texas increased by just over 1 million to 3.5 million.” 

Texas Tribune: “Texas remains the state with the most uninsured Americans, but recent estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau reveals that last year’s percentage of Texans without health coverage, 16.6%, was at one of the lowest points in a decade.”

Texas Public Radio: “Almost 3.5 million Texans have health insurance through the ACA Marketplace for 2024.”

Austin American Statesman: “Nearly 14,510 Texans no longer owe student loans thanks to the program, which is forgiving nearly $117 million in debt — more than in any other state.”

Dallas Morning News: “More borrowers in Texas granted student loan forgiveness than any other state”

Trump is running on an agenda to slash Medicare and Social Security and “terminate” the Affordable Care Act, despite the devastating potential consequences for Texans and Americans. 

Daily Beast: “Trump Revives Plan to Dismantle Obamacare if Elected in 2024”

NBC: “Trump, by contrast, stood by his support for a lawsuit headed to the Supreme Court that seeks to invalidate Obamacare. The justices will hear the case one week after Election Day.

“‘I would like to terminate Obamacare, come up with a brand new, beautiful health care,’ Trump said at the debate, which was moderated by NBC News’ Kristen Welker.”

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: “President Trump has made clear that his goal remains to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA), including its expansion of Medicaid to low-income adults, and to impose rigid caps on the federal government’s Medicaid spending.”

Trump: “There is a lot you can do” in terms of cutting Social Security and Medicare