DNC Statement on Immigrant Heritage Month

In observance of Immigrant Heritage Month, DNC Chair Jaime Harrison, DNC AAPI Caucus Chair Bel Leong-Hong, DNC Black Caucus Chair Virgie M. Rollins, and DNC Hispanic Caucus Chair Iris Martinez released the following statement:

“This month, we honor and celebrate the historical and cultural contributions of immigrants who had the courage to leave their homes and loved ones in search of a better future and the promise of the American Dream. America is a nation of immigrants, and their success is essential to our nation’s success.

“From business owners, to service members, essential workers, doctors, and engineers, immigrants represent the best of our country. Their sacrifices and belief in the unlimited possibilities of the American Dream help propel our nation to adhere to our foundational ideas of opportunity and equality. Thanks to immigrants, our country has become more inventive, globally competitive, and vibrant every generation. 

“Despite the progress we have made to live up to the ideals of our nation’s founding, we know there is still work to be done to ensure everyone has full access to America’s opportunities. Immigrants far too often face discrimination and xenophobia fueled by extreme Republican policies and rhetoric, and President Biden and Vice President Harris are determined to combat that through reinstating and strengthening anti-discrimination protections across federal government departments and agencies. The Biden-Harris administration and the Democratic Party remain committed to building a nation where all communities have access to the American Dream and our immigrant community is celebrated as an indispensable part of our national fabric.”